Everybody's nintendo channel

Yup japan always get the good **** all the time.

Hopefully we do get the Everybodys Nintendo Channel too as well.
crazyman2 said:
err... thebazel why did you type the one thing in japanese?

I was not sure if the game had an English version so I did not know the title. After doing a search it's called Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon overseas. In Japan we have a collection of games called 不思議なDungeon that don't have Chocobo in it.
well thank you for the clarification, preciate it
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madbeanman said:
Searched ign. No mention of a march 08 release.

I got a email from them saying its confirmed for the usa plus europe but without a date. Its cause of the smash brothers game March 9th. After that maybe we'll see a date for this. Hopefully still March at least.

WiiWare Is May 12th.
Wii Fit Is May 19th

So that might help us. Any other updates are good to read.
Well I think they will definetly release it before Wii Fit because I believe loads of the videos are for Wii Fit and it launched a week before Wii Fit in Japan. Also Wii Fit is coming out in April in europe so Id expect it before then in Europe and USA.

Thing is I thought they would have had loads of Smash content on this channel and I thought it would have launched before smash did but that aint looking likely now.
madbeanman said:
Well I think they will definetly release it before Wii Fit because I believe loads of the videos are for Wii Fit and it launched a week before Wii Fit in Japan. Also Wii Fit is coming out in April in europe so Id expect it before then in Europe and USA.

Thing is I thought they would have had loads of Smash content on this channel and I thought it would have launched before smash did but that aint looking likely now.

Well is there a time frame for it yet? Like a month? Plus will the wii system flash if it does launch this march. which we are in now? Could it launch after smash brothers thou
Let us know if they tell ya.
yeah same here hopefully by the end of this month... the tv guide channel looks kinda interesting wouldnt mind download it, hahaha.
yeah i hope we do to, i will also kick those japaneeses asses in super smash bros brawl. They want be able to stop me.
piggy6444 said:
i hope it comes in March:)

Do you have some updates for the channel as when this march? Or just a guess at this time. :) I have called them, They said just confirmed for the USA at this time. Said within the next couple of months (From Feb) So Will this be out before WiiWare at least?
me brian said:
I thought everyone would have forgotten about this with the release on SSBB.:lol:

Well i would like to know a date or a month. Cause i havent forget the Channel at all..

I called Nintendo on feb. 14th, 2008. The woman told me it's confirmed for the USA no word for Europe tho.
Some reps also said from that day, It would be out within a few months. Also www.kotaku.com said from the article next month (march) or so.

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