Drugs [perhaps not safe for kiddies]

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brendo said:
Where is the "do hugz not drugz" people??

I stand by my previous staement. Anyone that takes drugs for non medical reasons is an idiot. There is simply no need for it. Man up and face life like an adult.:yikes:

So, do you drink coffee, tea, coffeinated soda?
Do you eat and or drink, energy drinks/bars?
Do you eat foods with MSG in it?
Do you eat foods with artificial sweeteners in it?
Heck, do you eat any pre-prepared foods?
Do you drink alcohol?
Do you have a hobby that you enjoy?
Do you take risks because it is "fun" (i.e. extreme sports)?
Do you meditate or self hypnotize?

If you do any of theses activities, you are also a drug user. The first 5 questions are chemicals that you imbibe nearly daily that are drugs and effect the brain chemistry.

The 6th question is quite obvious, alcohol is a drug. Whether you have one glass of wine with dinner, or slam down a bottle of vodka daily, you are taking a "drug".

The last 3 questions are based on activities that force the brain release "drugs" into your system. Sure, it isn't quite the same parachuting out of a plane to get a adreniline high as it is to shoot a needle of heroin into your veins. But it isn't all that different either. One your sticking a chemical directly into your bloodstream knowingly for the buzz, and the other your sticking a chemical directly into your bloodstream knowingly for the buzz. Granted one does involve procuring said chemicals and delivery method, and the other involves putting your body into a situation where the flight or fight response kicks in, so that your body produces the chemicals.

People have been so scammed by all the disinformation regarding "drugs" it is pathetic. Humans have been using "drugs" for as long as they have been human. Some psychologists even theorize that without hallucinogens, humans would never have become "human". People have been using cannabis for so long that we all have neurons in our brains that ONLY react to cannabinoids. Think about that for a second. Your brain has cells that only react when you imbibe cannabis. People have been using willow trees (aspirin) for pain relief again, for centuries. People have been chewing coca leaves to make their day a little better and to make work a little easier, again for centuries. These uses are just the tip of the iceberg. These three examples are just "every day" drug patterns, I haven't even touched on religious usage of "drugs" throughout history.

It's great that you choose to not do drugs (unless medically needed) and I do applaud that. It is not easy getting through life in this society without some form of chemical relaxation, but do not be fooled that you are "drug free". The FDA, and your food suppliers are making sure that you get your fair share. Also, you should get the idea that you are somehow stronger, or better than those who choose to imbibe in chemical relaxation. Some of (if not most) of the greatest people to ever have lived, used drugs (mostly the ones that are currently illegal) quite frequently. Opium has inspired countless literary and musical treasures (Alice in Wonderland for example), psychology would not be where it is without Freud (cocaine addict) and although it is hard to point to any advances caused soley by cannabis, it is very hard to find a society that did not use all or part of the plant.

The bottom line is, in today's world, we are all drug users. Whether it is for fun, for medical reasons, for religious reasons, or because some corp can save $.0000001 per serving on your cheeseburger, your a junkie just like all of the rest of us.
brendo said:
Well no, as it would be the same as smoking to me. If it was legalized then it would be just like alcohol, just worse for you.:lol: But like someone else said, Its not legal for a reason, I doubt they would change their mind about it.:cool:

Look into why illegal drugs are illegal. It had absolutely nothing to do with whether cannabis, or opium, or cocaine was healthy, or not. It was all about mexicans, asians, and afro-americans. The drug war started as a way to "protect young innocent white women from being corrupted by the dirty _____" (fill in the blank with the drug/race combo of your choice). Looking at today's drug related prison statistics (in the US anyway) it may still be all about that.

Also, if you think that alcohol is better for you to imbibe than cannabis, I have some interesting info for you. Alcohol is a poison, your body actively works to remove alcohol from your system. You drink too much, and you die. Cannabis has no overdose amount. Your body does not try to remove the cannabinoids from itself. It does use the chemicals, and process them, but does not try to metabolize the chemicals just to remove them, unlike alcohol. In all the history of the world, no one has ever died of cannabis consumption, can you say the same about alcohol?

It bears saying over and over, the drug war is not about your health, or safety. It started and continues because of racial issues and money.
Chewy said:
It just makes you lose braincells, which you would lose just as much(if not more) in a night of headbanging. So why don't we just go ahead and make headbanging illegal too!

Actually, there is some new reasearch that says that certain cannabinoids actually stimulate brain cell growth in the hippocampus. Researchers are finding that each individual cannabinoid has very different effects from each other, and most (if not all) are beneficial. The only true downside that has been found is in the smoking of plant matter. Even that aspect is being mitigated by research that suggests that certain cannabinoids actually help your lungs heal from the smoke exposure.
Maleko said:
Actually, there is some new reasearch that says that certain cannabinoids actually stimulate brain cell growth in the hippocampus. Researchers are finding that each individual cannabinoid has very different effects from each other, and most (if not all) are beneficial. The only true downside that has been found is in the smoking of plant matter. Even that aspect is being mitigated by research that suggests that certain cannabinoids actually help your lungs heal from the smoke exposure.


Too bad the only way that you could ever have access to the kind of stuff that did that is if it was legal. Do you have a link to this info BTW?

You've posted some great points Maleko, thanks for that. It irritates me how the same people who are caffeine fiends look down on those who use weed as their coffee to get through the day.
Chewy said:

Too bad the only way that you could ever have access to the kind of stuff that did that is if it was legal. Do you have a link to this info BTW?

You've posted some great points Maleko, thanks for that. It irritates me how the same people who are caffeine fiends look down on those who use weed as their coffee to get through the day.

Here is a link for the brain cell growth study: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8155 . It doesn't go into detail on which "active ingredient" and seeing as there are several hundred different cannabinoids it is hard to guess which one they synthesized for this test.

The lung cancer study link: http://www.webmd.com/lung-cancer/news/20070417/marijuana-may-fight-lung-tumors . This study is interesting in that they mention that they specifically tested THC. If it is true that cannabis does indeed heal it's own harms, it makes most anti-medical cannabis arguements moot.
I do agree with you owlsgo...
yeah I even meet those kind of people who boost that marijuana is not a drug and praising it..
I have seen many people addicted to this stuff and lost their lives..
I hope at least they will realize now by viewing these posts.

illegal drugs, i'm fairly against. i've lost friends to drugs. my brother is a junkie and will soon pass away because of liver damage. some people think marijuana is okay. i think it can lead to a want of stronger substances, as with my brother. medicinal marijuana, however, is wonderful and can ease the symptoms of cancer. in that sense, it's understandable.

what do you guys think? all for drugs? only some drugs? shrooms, dope? tablets? intravenous?

so curious!

Drug Rehab
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