Drugs [perhaps not safe for kiddies]

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Chewy said:
Stay away from the acid and the E, that **** will screw your life up. Ecstasy just causes you to become depressed(and its worse for you then cocaine, hell, half the time all thats in those pills is bathtub meth), and acid will change your life a little more with every trip. A little but of the trip stays with you everytime you do it. BTW I don't speak from propaganda I speak from experience.

P.S. You actually like salvia? That stuff is weird... I heard its real bad for you though because it has something to do with the chemicals that are released before you die. Not sure if this is true though.

oh i've never tried mushrooms or salvia, i just have nothing against them

the only thing that pisses me off about drug situation, is when almost everyone who is against drugs say the same thing "you only escape your problems for a little bit" but i do it for the laughs and fun, i don't have many problems at all, i don't think my stoner friends have that many problems either, as they are all going to university, and get's like 90's in their courses and they all seem happy to me
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mushroomedmario said:
the only thing that pisses me off about drug situation, is when almost everyone who is against drugs say the same thing "you only escape your problems for a little bit" but i do it for the laughs and fun, i don't have many problems at all, i don't think my stoner friends have that many problems either, as they are all going to university, and get's like 90's in their courses and they all seem happy to me

Yeah, most people just do it as something fun to do rather then an escape from reality. Its when you do it solely to avoid your problems that you know you have a problem.
brendo said:
ITT: Little kids who think its cool to smoke joints and get high. Seriously grow up. Get a job. Get a life.

Prescription meds are fine if you have something wrong with you:yesnod:


I tried drugs i think last year for finals in school because i had a life i had a job and i was growing up and its a pain in the ass i was so stressed out with finals my job (that i quit a few weeks ago) a relationship and getting more responsibilites around the house it was alot to handle and just smoke a joint and it was all good made me feel better with life felt like nothing was wrong......and smoking didnt make me feel cool or anything it was just my way of inhaling and exhaling xD
Wow, I should show my friend Dylan this thread. He can name every name any drug is known by...all of the street names(ice, crystal), the names mostly known by(meth), and the scientific names (d-methamphetamine). He loves stuff like this. He says weed and shrooms are fun, crack isn't worth and and don't anybody freaking DARE touch meth.
Where is the "do hugz not drugz" people??

I stand by my previous staement. Anyone that takes drugs for non medical reasons is an idiot. There is simply no need for it. Man up and face life like an adult.:yikes:
brendo said:
Where is the "do hugz not drugz" people??

I stand by my previous staement. Anyone that takes drugs for non medical reasons is an idiot. There is simply no need for it. Man up and face life like an adult.:yikes:

there is no need for videogames?

I know plenty of adults that do drugs......

please try to be mature in this thread,
mushroomedmario said:
there is no need for videogames?

I know plenty of adults that do drugs......

please try to be mature in this thread,

It is my view on the topic. Im all for legal things, But why do illegal drugs? there really is no need. And im not picking any one single person out here, but some of you are REALLY young. You dont even know what life is about yet. I'm just of the mindset if you think you're all so mature then act like it. Dont do drugs. Its that simple. Really.
Enlighten me on why you think you have the authority to decide what others should do?
I'm straight edge, and I will forever remain like that, because it's my frame of mind as a person, that people can get over things, and life isn't all that misery. I don't know why people always focus on what is going wrong when it's just a state of time in your life, and escape for the moment can leave you with many more problems in later life. I love my life, everything about it, everything that's gone "wrong" and whatever, it's all ended up for the best.

I believe that depression is a state of mind, you can get over it naturally. It's just what state of mind you are in at that period of time, but it won't last. I know it's 4am right now and I am going to be dying for my 5 oc'lock finish tomorrow, but there's always that sleep in on Tuesday! Depression is for pessimists.

I am surrounded by a lot of people who have been "diagnosed" with depression, they have good and bad days. That shows you your emotions are actually working, you are a person after all, life's not brilliant for everyone else, we all go through bad times. I don't see why you need to.

I'm not one of those crazy people who prefer something like hypnosis over anaesthesia or anything! I just don't think depression is something that needs drugs. But I don't know anything about mental conditions, I'm a stable person, and I know that I will never take any of that stuff for whatever reason.

Illegal drugs are illegal for a reason, I'm extremely against it.

I really hate cigarettes, the main reason is for why you even start in the first place. I have never met one smoker who has found their first cigarette nice, and the effects don't last that long, so you are just satisfying one craving after another, which is where addiction comes from. If I were a smoker, I'd think giving up would be fairly easy after you get through the first couple of cravings, actually, I would never think my mind has that much control over my physical actions. I would never even bring one of those to my lips, it's so much easier just to say stop and think of the future.

How I love opinions. But I don't have a huge knowledge on this, but those are my impressions.
I dont, But why should the government and taxpayers have to be brought down by drug addicts? Its like smoking, Costs the government millions.
I just dont understand. There is NO REASON to do illegal drugs. In the end its just the people and their familes, the neighbourhood, the town, the state, and the country that is generally a worse off place.

A small aside. Picture yourself. Age 40. Nice family, you've taken your 12 year old daughter to the park. You see that a group of people are hanging round doing drugs. IS that the sort of thing you would want your child growing up around? What would you tell her when she asked about it?
You would tell her drugs are fun and good to do? I think not.

Amen, Frogger, couldnt have put it better :)
lik-who was that at? i mean it would be kinda hipocritical if it was at me, seeing as you had it in your signature to do hugs not drugs

telling someone to be more mature is just some good advice, it's not like i said BE MATURE YOU STUPID NOOB

Frogger said:
I'm straight edge, and I will forever remain like that, because it's my frame of mind as a person, that people can get over things, and life isn't all that misery. I don't know why people always focus on what is going wrong when it's just a state of time in your life, and escape for the moment can leave you with many more problems in later life. I love my life, everything about it, everything that's gone "wrong" and whatever, it's all ended up for the best.

I believe that depression is a state of mind, you can get over it naturally. It's just what state of mind you are in at that period of time, but it won't last. I know it's 4am right now and I am going to be dying for my 5 oc'lock finish tomorrow, but there's always that sleep in on Tuesday! Depression is for pessimists.

I am surrounded by a lot of people who have been "diagnosed" with depression, they have good and bad days. That shows you your emotions are actually working, you are a person after all, life's not brilliant for everyone else, we all go through bad times. I don't see why you need to.

I'm not one of those crazy people who prefer something like hypnosis over anaesthesia or anything! I just don't think depression is something that needs drugs. But I don't know anything about mental conditions, I'm a stable person, and I know that I will never take any of that stuff for whatever reason.

Illegal drugs are illegal for a reason, I'm extremely against it.

I really hate cigarettes, the main reason is for why you even start in the first place. I have never met one smoker who has found their first cigarette nice, and the effects don't last that long, so you are just satisfying one craving after another, which is where addiction comes from. If I were a smoker, I'd think giving up would be fairly easy after you get through the first couple of cravings, actually, I would never think my mind has that much control over my physical actions. I would never even bring one of those to my lips, it's so much easier just to say stop and think of the future.

How I love opinions. But I don't have a huge knowledge on this, but those are my impressions.

i liked my first cigarette, i was on the roof of my school at night staring at the stars with a sweet head buzz

brendo said:
I dont, But why should the government and taxpayers have to be brought down by drug addicts? Its like smoking, Costs the government millions.
I just dont understand. There is NO REASON to do illegal drugs. In the end its just the people and their familes, the neighbourhood, the town, the state, and the country that is generally a worse off place.

A small aside. Picture yourself. Age 40. Nice family, you've taken your 12 year old daughter to the park. You see that a group of people are hanging round doing drugs. IS that the sort of thing you would want your child growing up around? What would you tell her when she asked about it?
You would tell her drugs are fun and good to do? I think not.

Amen, Frogger, couldnt have put it better :)

i'm pretty sure the canadian government makes money from people smoking cuase they tax cigarettes a lot

as for the scenario, the second i would see them i would turn around, i'm guessing i would understand what they're doing before my daughter would
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mushroomedmario said:
lik-who was that at? i mean it would be kinda hipocritical if it was at me, seeing as you had it in your signature to do hugs not drugs

telling someone to be more mature is just some good advice, it's not like i said BE MATURE YOU STUPID NOOB

i liked my first cigarette, i was on the roof of my school at night staring at the stars with a sweet head buzz

i'm pretty sure the canadian government makes money from people smoking cuase they tax cigarettes a lot

as for the scenario, the second i would see them i would turn around, i'm guessing i would understand what they're doing before my daughter would

Lol wut??:wtf: that wasnt in my sig, and never has been. Im not going to get into a massive debate over this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Lets just leave it that.
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