Drugs [perhaps not safe for kiddies]

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ARav989 said:
I'm on a drug for a disease known as Hypothyroidism. If i didn't have this pharm drug, there would be no way for me too "get over it". Things would get worse. Without this synthetic hormone production, I'd be in worse shape. Some people are dependant on these pharm drugs. Me being an example

Exactly. You have a disease. Pharmaceuticals are a requirement for you. (The "get over it" was a stab at the rhetoric of some people who'd prefer not to classify mental conditions as a disease - hopefully you understood that).
I think that it is stupid how weed is illegal because you can get hard drugs perfectly legal at a flower shop or a drug store and those are a lot worse for you.And it has good medicinal benifits, its the one anti-nausea medicine that works for me(cure for hangovers).

As for hard drugs, I don't like them. My friend went crazy off cocaine and mushrooms but hes getting better now atleast. I've done my fair share of experimenting but I feel like I've done enough now so I stay away from anything harder then alcohol.

I also despise drug tests because they often end up getting people into harder drugs.
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It's a shame that weed is often categorized with harder drugs like cocaine, meth, etc. People are really misinformed when it comes to weed. My friends and I have smoked weed before and it was never because we were depressed or wanted an "out". It's just a cool, natural way to change your outlook on life.
I've smoked a lot of weed in my time, it never did me any harm. also dabbled with other stuff, which I could see was possibly dangerious (ie, it takes control of when you take it, rather than it being a rational choice) so I left it alone.

did have a night of the whizz recently, which taught me that I am too old! 3 weeks before I was back to normal. had all sorts of horrible after effects.
I strongly disagree with the use of illegal drugs. However, I do feel sorry for those who have been caught within the entangled web known as addiction. If all of these people were offered help in some form or another, then I am sure that our crime rates would drop significantly.
well i have mixed view , even on anti-depresentents , i feel depression is a real disease. but i also feel taking drug constantly won’t help in the long run. My father was on anti-depressants for a while , so i took some from him for an experiment , he knew i took them, so i was not stealing , i always saw his mood changed to good and happy allot , but sometimes odd. So i did a self experiment , i took them for a period of three days , not only was there a huge and bad sexual side-effect , i could not show hardly any emotion, rather laughter or sadness. I was glad to see my dad go off of them , but i did do a experiment with myself recently during finals. I took a pill 3 hours before a research statistics class , which i was nervous about, i can honestly say that pill helped me threw that test , when it came to thinking and concentrating. One thing I found out that help me a lot with minor depression was exercising and yoga , very relaxing and I recommended it to everyone.
Now illegal drugs , I total agree hard illegal drugs and even alcohol and cigarettes have very controlling addicting aspects , I see a girl at the apartment I live at out smoking all the time out of the balcony , even when it was below 10 degrees and but she cant stop. My roommate chews , he use to smoke tobacco but stopped. but anyways chewing is so nasty , and he spits and every time I see it , it makes me want to throw up . Did some of you know if you took tobacco leaves and soaked them for a period and drank the tobacco juice you can hallucinate , but you will always feel really sick and throw up. Now im an off and on marijuana smoker , I don’t smoke tobacco its nasty and makes me sick , plus the fact the smell of marijuana on my cloths and in the apartment goes away faster than tobacco , most of my friend don’t smoke weed, I would say about 95%. Which I get a lot of **** from them because im a so called “pothead” even though most of them smoke cigarettes. I don’t feel marijuana is as bad as it made out to be. Back when I smoked marijuana almost every day , I made a $20 bet with a friend of mine that was a heavy tobacco smoker , that if he stopped smoking cigarettes for at least 2 months I would stop smoking marijuana but if one of use slipped the other would pay them $20 needless to say , he last 2 days before he smoked , I last 3 months , and was $20 richer , I feel smoking both tobacco and marijuana are both bad, but tobacco is far worse in the long run.
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rawdawg, that's right on!

In the past I took LSD and mushrooms and thought it was really cool. You coundn't pay me to touch that stuff now.

As for pot, I just want you to know that anyone who says marijuana is not addictive doesn't know first hand what it's like when it's a daily habit. I should get off the stuff, I'm just lazy.

All that aside I'm not really against soft drugs it's stuff like crackheads robbing convience stores and busting into drug stores for painkillers and kids who die the first time they try E ... all that **** really turns me off.

Oh yeah I'm also legally medicated. I wouldn't be able to sleep without antipsychotics, but that goes with being bipolar. If you're on pills for mental problems I say relax and let the pills do the thing.
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I smoked my first joint for since last October the other day.

I don't do it often.

Playing Super Mario Galaxy when stoned is veeeery disorientating :lol:
ITT: Little kids who think its cool to smoke joints and get high. Seriously grow up. Get a job. Get a life.

Prescription meds are fine if you have something wrong with you:yesnod:

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rawdawg said:
well i have mixed view , even on anti-depresentents , i feel depression is a real disease. but i also feel taking drug constantly won’t help in the long run. My father was on anti-depressants for a while , so i took some from him for an experiment , he knew i took them, so i was not stealing , i always saw his mood changed to good and happy allot , but sometimes odd. So i did a self experiment , i took them for a period of three days , not only was there a huge and bad sexual side-effect , i could not show hardly any emotion, rather laughter or sadness. I was glad to see my dad go off of them , but i did do a experiment with myself recently during finals. I took a pill 3 hours before a research statistics class , which i was nervous about, i can honestly say that pill helped me threw that test , when it came to thinking and concentrating. One thing I found out that help me a lot with minor depression was exercising and yoga , very relaxing and I recommended it to everyone.
Now illegal drugs , I total agree hard illegal drugs and even alcohol and cigarettes have very controlling addicting aspects , I see a girl at the apartment I live at out smoking all the time out of the balcony , even when it was below 10 degrees and but she cant stop. My roommate chews , he use to smoke tobacco but stopped. but anyways chewing is so nasty , and he spits and every time I see it , it makes me want to throw up . Did some of you know if you took tobacco leaves and soaked them for a period and drank the tobacco juice you can hallucinate , but you will always feel really sick and throw up. Now im an off and on marijuana smoker , I don’t smoke tobacco its nasty and makes me sick , plus the fact the smell of marijuana on my cloths and in the apartment goes away faster than tobacco , most of my friend don’t smoke weed, I would say about 95%. Which I get a lot of **** from them because im a so called “pothead” even though most of them smoke cigarettes. I don’t feel marijuana is as bad as it made out to be. Back when I smoked marijuana almost every day , I made a $20 bet with a friend of mine that was a heavy tobacco smoker , that if he stopped smoking cigarettes for at least 2 months I would stop smoking marijuana but if one of use slipped the other would pay them $20 needless to say , he last 2 days before he smoked , I last 3 months , and was $20 richer , I feel smoking both tobacco and marijuana are both bad, but tobacco is far worse in the long run.

they don't work if there's nothing wrong with you.
it takes more than three days for them to work.
when you take them, it gets worse before it gets better.
tobacco doesn't awaken schizophrenia.
i'm for the natural drugs

i.e. marijuana, salvia, shrooms

a lot of my friends do either acid or E, i don't think i'm going to do either

I only do it with my friends and after work, i'm not going to skip school or anything from them, and i don't imagine that drugs will bring negativity to my life at all....
mushroomedmario said:
i'm for the natural drugs

i.e. marijuana, salvia, shrooms

a lot of my friends do either acid or E, i don't think i'm going to do either

I only do it with my friends and after work, i'm not going to skip school or anything from them, and i don't imagine that drugs will bring negativity to my life at all....

Stay away from the acid and the E, that **** will screw your life up. Ecstasy just causes you to become depressed(and its worse for you then cocaine, hell, half the time all thats in those pills is bathtub meth), and acid will change your life a little more with every trip. A little but of the trip stays with you everytime you do it. BTW I don't speak from propaganda I speak from experience.

P.S. You actually like salvia? That stuff is weird... I heard its real bad for you though because it has something to do with the chemicals that are released before you die. Not sure if this is true though.
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