Does God exist?

well then share it. try to prove god to skeptics such as myself.

and make another comment like that white text and i'll get a mod to ban you.
no one really knows if God my opinion he does. some people think he does, while some people do think he does. it all depends wat people want to think
I raise you a POKEMON POWER



now why would i need proof? because i like facts. i like to know what i'm talking about or learning is true. i like to have fun expieraments occasionally.
in school, my favorite class was science because we could test something if we thought it was wrong. if we had a problem with it, then a couple expieraments later, the problem was solved.

but god? how can you test a non-existent thing? how can you expierament or prove it? you can't. overall i don't believe in something unless it can be proven. and we can't prove any higher power.

on the other hand, we can prove evolution. we can almost prove the Big Bang, we just can't test it yet cause we lack the technology. but anything that disproves god, can be proven. unless some major religious event happens that completely disproves everything else, i refuse to believe in what does not exist.

Facts are very powerful, I agree. I love science, too. But I don't think we should expect to prove every single thing that exists in this world. Some matters go beyond what technology will allow. Such as, what happens after Death? What constructed our ways of being as people? Why does the course of our lives change contrary to what we expect? If that can be explained, why is it in that unique way? Why is love so elusive to understand?

Is it so impossible to be religious and a scientist?

Even I have felt odd at times deciding to place trust in a non-"physical" concept, but I gave it a chance. For a long time. And I was skeptical for much of it. However, having applied it to my life this long and looking back, it has overwhelmingly proven it exists. It cannot be understood by practical means, but it can be tested. I believe in certain aspects, there is a logic to God's word. Part of the testing just so happens to be placing one's faith that the teachings do, in fact, work and apply them to our lives. Science is obviously a necessary part of our search for knowledge or personal beliefs, but so is faith. There is a spirit that exists within us that cannot be satisfied completely by having scientific evidence for every major happening in the cosmos. We will still have questions about very basic things that affect how we interact with others and the world around us.

I don't expect you all to believe everything I say, but this is my view on the matter.
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I believe in God!!!!

Gahhhhhhhhh... I feel much better just sayin' it.:lol:

Shadow*91, I'm going to ask you this question... And be honest too.

Do you feel....... left out in some way? Deep inside, do you feel empty?

Please be honest and do not lie!
if u guys want evidence in god... here it is... where did the world come from... the universe... everything... if god didnt do this all who did... is that proof enough
1st of all God created it... No questions asked. God was there the whole time, no beginning and no end. It's like comparing a donut, no beginning no end...

That reminds me, are you with or AGAINST!!! Please, choose wisely in your belief sir.
Yo KB, chill out. lol. Btw... How does what you said give ANY proof God exists? Your makin yourself look silly... Bc basically your saying you dont understand how the universe came to be and all that, so bc you dont understand, you use god as a crutch in some kind of attempt to give yourself an inner peace... Yea right... Ignorance truly is bliss.

@ KB: Btw, what was the point of asking Shadow that? How would that make any comparitive sense in trying to prove the existence of a god or not?
Hmmm.... You're a communist and no I'm not making a fool outta myself. Not to mean in anyway (Maybe), it clearly states that you have no soul, no love, no belief, and feel nothing, but hatred... So yeah, no questions asked. I'm protecting the lord so if you feel like explaining that God doesn't exist, good luck in hell...
He said prove it, not use the fanboy argument of "It's real because I can't think of an alternate theory"
I am an atheist. I hate it when people are shocked when I say it. I always say "No, I also don't beleive in the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny".
I can't see how you people can beleive in a magical wizard that lives in the sky (but is invisable)
If you theists say there is a god, than riddle me this: Why is there so much evil in the world? If there was a God, then there wouldn't be any, right? You may say God works in mysterious ways, but what you don't say is an explination. If he's really all-knowing and all powerful, than he'd be able to prevent all evil in the world, right/. Then if he is, he is either, by choice, unwilling or unable. If he is willing but unable, than he's not all-powerful, if he's able but not willing, than he is malevolant. if he is neither willing nor able, then ahy call him God?
I seem to come across a lot of religious people asking me "Well, don't you want to know what happens when you die? Your spirit (and so forth)" I will be buried and that'll be the end of it, that's what's going to happen. It's the sad truth, but you WILL die one day. You don't get to cheat life by thinking you are going to live on after dying. Listen to that, that doesn't even make sense, life after death.
Quit living by the shackles of religion. live by your own rules in life. I take what I can get. I live to chase after my own goals. To hell with everybody else.
@ KB: Wow... Good thing im flame-retardant, otherwise i wouldve taken offense to that. lol. When you wanna retype that into more refined, dignified, and in a less disrespectful ass-like way, then i'll read it. till then, ima disregard that post.

@ Fox: Here Here! :thumbsup:
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He said prove it, not use the fanboy argument of "It's real because I can't think of an alternate theory"
I am an atheist. I hate it when people are shocked when I say it. I always say "No, I also don't beleive in the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny".
I can't see how you people can beleive in a magical wizard that lives in the sky (but is invisable)
If you theists say there is a god, than riddle me this: Why is there so much evil in the world? If there was a God, then there wouldn't be any, right? You may say God works in mysterious ways, but what you don't say is an explination. If he's really all-knowing and all powerful, than he'd be able to prevent all evil in the world, right/. Then if he is, he is either, by choice, unwilling or unable. If he is willing but unable, than he's not all-powerful, if he's able but not willing, than he is malevolant. if he is neither willing nor able, then ahy call him God?
I seem to come across a lot of religious people asking me "Well, don't you want to know what happens when you die? Your spirit (and so forth)" I will be buried and that'll be the end of it, that's what's going to happen. It's the sad truth, but you WILL die one day. You don't get to cheat life by thinking you are going to live on after dying. Listen to that, that doesn't even make sense, life after death.
Quit living by the shackles of religion. live by your own rules in life. I take what I can get. I live to chase after my own goals. To hell with everybody else.

You're saying too much 'If this' or 'if that' and I said earlier 'No questions asked'.... I sense so much negative in you.

Evil has entered this world not because of the Devil or what you might say, it started when Adam and Eve at the apple. Ah well, you won't understand because you're not "religious".... Oh well...
@ KB: Wow... Good thing im flame-retardant, otherwise i wouldve taken offense to that. lol. When you wanna retype that into more refined, dignified, and in a less disrespectful ass-like way, then i'll read it. till then, ima disregard that post.

@ Fox: Here Here! :thumbsup:

Haha, I forgot how to laugh... Hmmmm, I wonder what happens if I throw holy water at you..... Burn!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You're just gonna read every time I post soooooo, whatever!:lol:
He said prove it, not use the fanboy argument of "It's real because I can't think of an alternate theory"
I am an atheist. I hate it when people are shocked when I say it. I always say "No, I also don't beleive in the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny".
I can't see how you people can beleive in a magical wizard that lives in the sky (but is invisable)
If you theists say there is a god, than riddle me this: Why is there so much evil in the world? If there was a God, then there wouldn't be any, right? You may say God works in mysterious ways, but what you don't say is an explination. If he's really all-knowing and all powerful, than he'd be able to prevent all evil in the world, right/. Then if he is, he is either, by choice, unwilling or unable. If he is willing but unable, than he's not all-powerful, if he's able but not willing, than he is malevolant. if he is neither willing nor able, then ahy call him God?
I seem to come across a lot of religious people asking me "Well, don't you want to know what happens when you die? Your spirit (and so forth)" I will be buried and that'll be the end of it, that's what's going to happen. It's the sad truth, but you WILL die one day. You don't get to cheat life by thinking you are going to live on after dying. Listen to that, that doesn't even make sense, life after death.
Quit living by the shackles of religion. live by your own rules in life. I take what I can get. I live to chase after my own goals. To hell with everybody else.

I believe there is evil in the world because it's weak to begin with. It has as much strength as we allow it and has nothing substantially powerful to offer against someone pursuing goodness instead as described by God. It wouldn't make sense for God to allow evil if its strength was actually comparable to the amount of good one can gain in this existence by pursuing God's word instead.

It's not that He doesn't care that people suffer (He often picks us back up from our suffering). It's that He leaves us with choice. He isn't forcing any of us to take His side, but He isn't making it a lost cause either by allowing evil in the world. Because, once again, what can be gained is far greater. If there is suffering in our life, He can provide the way out if we desire it from Him.
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He said prove it, not use the fanboy argument of "It's real because I can't think of an alternate theory"
I am an atheist. I hate it when people are shocked when I say it. I always say "No, I also don't beleive in the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny".
I can't see how you people can beleive in a magical wizard that lives in the sky (but is invisable)
If you theists say there is a god, than riddle me this: Why is there so much evil in the world? If there was a God, then there wouldn't be any, right? You may say God works in mysterious ways, but what you don't say is an explination. If he's really all-knowing and all powerful, than he'd be able to prevent all evil in the world, right/. Then if he is, he is either, by choice, unwilling or unable. If he is willing but unable, than he's not all-powerful, if he's able but not willing, than he is malevolant. if he is neither willing nor able, then ahy call him God?
I seem to come across a lot of religious people asking me "Well, don't you want to know what happens when you die? Your spirit (and so forth)" I will be buried and that'll be the end of it, that's what's going to happen. It's the sad truth, but you WILL die one day. You don't get to cheat life by thinking you are going to live on after dying. Listen to that, that doesn't even make sense, life after death.
Quit living by the shackles of religion. live by your own rules in life. I take what I can get. I live to chase after my own goals. To hell with everybody else.

I believe there is evil in the world because it's weak to begin with. It has as much strength as we allow it and has nothing substantially powerful to offer against someone pursuing goodness instead as described by God. It wouldn't make sense for God to allow evil if its strength was actually comparable to the amount of good one can gain in this existence by pursuing God's word instead.

It's not that He doesn't care that people suffer (He often picks us back up from our suffering). It's that He leaves us with choice. He isn't forcing any of us to take His side, but He isn't making it a lost cause either by allowing evil in the world. Because, once again, what can be gained is far greater.

Gahhhhhhhh, those words... Inspiring isn't it?

Bio is right, it is a choice. I'm trying to convince you guys to believe in him, but in the end you rejected me and the lord. How very unwise...
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"Convert" is a strong word. It suggests that there is some kind of denial in choice involved.

I'd rather describe this discussion as just that: a discussion. However people react to what is said is their business.
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