Does anybody use there wriststraps

godofwar66 said:
I was just curious of how many people use their controller wrist straps Because ive been reading threads and read about the wrist straps i personally dont unless my cousins are around (because they threw my controller into a wall thank god no damage to my wii remote only a few scratches) or im by an expensive object like a giant t.v.. Im sorry if some one else brought this, Im pretty new here and im not sure if there is a search function or not and im definetely not going to read through 380 pages of threads to find out.
Well, after I stopped playing Wiisports I stopped using my wristrap. However I always keep my Wii Jacket strapped on there.
How did I not see this earlier?

Does anyone use the correct "there, their, or they're" still?

And the only time I don't is for Guitar Hero.
I use it, that makes me a complete n00b? Yeah, destroying things I've bought, how un-cool.

I feel empty without it!
When I first purchased the Wii, I wore them all the time. No, the only time wear them is when I'm playing WiiSports. For my other games, I never wear them...don't need them because of minimal movement needed to play that certain game.

EDIT: I've never broken anything with the Wii Remote.
I don't see myself throwing my wiimote in the near future and don't feel the need to put on my wrist strap, I do however use the jacket Nintendo sent me, it's pretty comfortable.
The one single rule I have when my Kids (or myself) plays the Wii, is that the wriststrap is always used.

The only game it can't be used on is Cars, since you have to turn the Wiimote sideways to drive in it.

Heh I use the wriststrap. After having to have to move extremely fast to beat the Tyrant in REUC the only thing that stopped me me dropping the wiimote was the strap. It gets a bit frantic at times.
wii_girliefairie said:
:/ more n00bs usin the wriststrap...

I think you're much more of a n00b than me, sweety.

I wear the wrist strap because that's its function, I don't want to act like a complete knob and not wear it, then break something expensive of my own. Plus, it's comfortable, it feels funny when I don't wear the wrist strap.

Nh, don't call me a n00b for your own stupidity.

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