Does anybody use there wriststraps

CantGetAWii said:
Saying put the strap on is just so bad :lol:

LOL omfg! i spit my coke everywhere thanks to you. :lol:

anyway..i don't put the strap on lol im not one of those people who chucks it at my TV/ cat/ catfood :lol:
I only wore the wrist-strap for a few days after I bought the console, then I stopped wearing it altogether. To this day, I haven't dropped, thrown or killed someone using my Wiimote.
TortillaChip520 said:
i don't use mine anymore, i only did when i just got it, or like phillipeno said, when i play w/ other ppl so they don't break it (btw, phillipeno, you must really have a bad relationship w/ ur cousin!). besides, i don't really have any physically demanding games where it would require i fling the remote around.

yeah the kid's a bratty beeeooochh lol
MAde my nose bleed with the strap on playing rayman RR or was that me swining the nunchuck around.....
I used mine in the beginning - particularly with Wii Sports, but now I hardly ever use it - and never properly. Sometimes I do put it over my wrist, but I never actually tighten it up, so I really don't know why I even bother with that. Although, I dunno how any times that I have but the strip over my wrist (haven't tightened or anything) and completely forget that I have done it, and put the remote down and attempt to walk away...

I still make other people wear it - but they never do when I'm not around. You can tell because the little tightener is pushed right up to the end of it, clearly not being used.
Well, I haven't thrown mine yet... Which is kinda surprising, because in the beginning I used to really flail around... Nowadays I'm far more controlled. I used to be the type of person, when playing Wii Tennis thought you needed to run half way across the lounge room to hit the ball, and swing the wii remote around wildly.
i only use mine if the game uses major motion such as wii sports but if its like excite truck,galaxy or strikers charged then no
id rather be safe dne sry countin that i have 2 computers and a laptop, 50 inch LCD, atleast 3 lamps and windows i would rather be rreal safe and i hve a fireplace that i burn occasionally wen its cld
The rule in our home is that wrist straps must be worn to play the Wii no matter what. It's a minor inconvenience to prevent damaging a $3,000 high def television.
if anything with motion sense, then yes.
if im playing with someone then its mandatory to wear it, and i wear mine too.

anygame that requires sideways holding (cow racing, excite) then the strap isnt needed
I always use it, unless im using the internet on it or something (weather, etc.). I always tell my friends, "Don't forget to strap up!"

Also, before I got mine, my friend had one (He actually got all 3 next-gen systems on their respective launch dates - lucky!) and another friend that was there hit the coffee table and the remote flung out. Hit their 50 something inch TV. Dudes dad was pretty angry!

Plus, I just bought a new TV. Now it wasn't a $3,000 high def, but a $350 TV for a college kid is the same thing, LOL.

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