Did the Wii save Nintendo?

Wii=family fun

ps/xbox= things to do when not jerkin my gerkin all by myself

not that i dont have the others... it is just the way it works... there are very few games good for a group in the same room on eaither of the "gamers" consoles... its a system you play with by yourself or by yourself online with others playing by themself... its not that its better its not that its worse its a whole different part of the market...

there is nothing to compare when it comes to nintendo and ps or xbox... they are different setups completly.. there was nothing to be saved cause nintendo has, will and hopefully always will have the "family" gaming market in thier pocket...

i would be more worried about if PS or Xbox stick around long enough... sony has finacial problems and the xbox is no more fun then a gaming computer... there is enough room for one "gamers" console barely for 2 specially when you figure "gamers" want top of the line graphics,resolution,and software to go with these systems..
both of the new released consoles were a pretty big upset to me.. as the way of graphics and resolution you can barely tell the difference between the old system.. and what you can tell could eaisly have been made up with software improvements not hardware...i think both of these consoles came out too early with nothign fancy attached aside from PS3's motion sensing...
they need real inovation in gaming.. not just an upgrade.. first one to real life 3D graphics will win... but even after that... the little cheep nintendo systems will sell to countless millions of homes around the world because they are cheep, user friendly, and family oriented... very few could tap into that market besides maybe Sega... oh wait nintendo owns that too..lol

long live nintendo ha ha the rest of you prove your worth my money and fight to the death... ha ha ill pick you up when your in the used section of my local game store for a decent price
wezeles said:
Wii=family fun

ps/xbox= things to do when not jerkin my gerkin all by myself

not that i dont have the others... it is just the way it works... there are very few games good for a group in the same room on eaither of the "gamers" consoles... its a system you play with by yourself or by yourself online with others playing by themself... its not that its better its not that its worse its a whole different part of the market...

there is nothing to compare when it comes to nintendo and ps or xbox... they are different setups completly.. there was nothing to be saved cause nintendo has, will and hopefully always will have the "family" gaming market in thier pocket...

i would be more worried about if PS or Xbox stick around long enough... sony has finacial problems and the xbox is no more fun then a gaming computer... there is enough room for one "gamers" console barely for 2 specially when you figure "gamers" want top of the line graphics,resolution,and software to go with these systems..
both of the new released consoles were a pretty big upset to me.. as the way of graphics and resolution you can barely tell the difference between the old system.. and what you can tell could eaisly have been made up with software improvements not hardware...i think both of these consoles came out too early with nothign fancy attached aside from PS3's motion sensing...
they need real inovation in gaming.. not just an upgrade.. first one to real life 3D graphics will win... but even after that... the little cheep nintendo systems will sell to countless millions of homes around the world because they are cheep, user friendly, and family oriented... very few could tap into that market besides maybe Sega... oh wait nintendo owns that too..lol

long live nintendo ha ha the rest of you prove your worth my money and fight to the death... ha ha ill pick you up when your in the used section of my local game store for a decent price
OK...I KINDA agree with you on the family crap etc...
but how the hell is ps and xbox a gamers console.can't tell the difference between 360 and xbox, WTF you can to!You see a difference between xbox 1 and wii(at the moment) but really man think some of the stuff you right down first.Personally i prefer any console over a gaming computer because I suk at playing games with a keyboard, I only like RTSG like halo wars on pc!
ya cause everyone uses a keyboard for there pc games... every usb controller is programable to whatever setup you want for each game on your pc... i have a game cube controller on my pc. with an extra L and R button the only thing i use my keyboard for on my pc games is to write my name on each file i save....

and my point is an xbox and xbox 360 really isnt a huge change... there is nothing you couldnt do on a xbox that you couldnt do on a 360 with good software to back it... play a game on xbox that is also released on 360... same title same game... ok now unless you spent over 5 grand on your t.v. you cannot tell the difference the only reason 360 even seems to be better is because software isnt going to be made for a top seller game for xbox when 360 is the new console... so sure 360 looks better the games are better and newer...

like i said before look at plain old nintendo... super mario brothers vs. super mario brothers 3... mario 3 looks like a friken super nintendo game twice graphics wise compared.. but its all in the software... consoles never get used to there peak before they come out with a new one these days..

now congrats on being HD ready and all that crap but unless your sporting an entertainment system advanced as the technology then you have no clue its different besides game design..
probably 90% of people will never use everything built into these new consoles

that being said the only systems worth anything is the ps3 and Wii with motion sensing...they atleast are messing with new tech to try to change the way we play not just the same old boring crap with a different name and slightly better picture
wezeles said:
ya cause everyone uses a keyboard for there pc games... every usb controller is programable to whatever setup you want for each game on your pc... i have a game cube controller on my pc. with an extra L and R button the only thing i use my keyboard for on my pc games is to write my name on each file i save....

and my point is an xbox and xbox 360 really isnt a huge change... there is nothing you couldnt do on a xbox that you couldnt do on a 360 with good software to back it... play a game on xbox that is also released on 360... same title same game... ok now unless you spent over 5 grand on your t.v. you cannot tell the difference the only reason 360 even seems to be better is because software isnt going to be made for a top seller game for xbox when 360 is the new console... so sure 360 looks better the games are better and newer...

like i said before look at plain old nintendo... super mario brothers vs. super mario brothers 3... mario 3 looks like a friken super nintendo game twice graphics wise compared.. but its all in the software... consoles never get used to there peak before they come out with a new one these days..

now congrats on being HD ready and all that crap but unless your sporting an entertainment system advanced as the technology then you have no clue its different besides game design..
probably 90% of people will never use everything built into these new consoles

that being said the only systems worth anything is the ps3 and Wii with motion sensing...they atleast are messing with new tech to try to change the way we play not just the same old boring crap with a different name and slightly better picture
I just dislike pc gaming.
Wolf. said:
uhhhhhhh to sum all that up yes the wii kinda saved nintendo... but they should of stayed wit the original name which was revolution =/

Well, they couldn't. It would be too much like "X box 360"

A 360 is a circle, and a revolution can be one full circle or spin around.
I wouldn't say the Wii saved Nintendo as a company, because as long as Pokemon, Metroid and Mario were popular, Nintendo would always be around in some capacity. But had the Wii failed, I think it would definitely have been Nintendo's last home console system. Thank the lord in all his non-existent form that the Wii is a major success already.
Nfanboy said:
Super Mario Bros 3 was on the NES.

Just thought I'd point that out.

i said it looks like a SNES game not that it was.. read it again... my point was that systems never get used to there full potential anymore they just come out with the next gens before they max out the previous ones... any PS3 or Xbox 360 game could have been made to work with PS2 or Xbox and you would barely notice the difference between them... they just choose instead of just making the software better to put it out on a new console so you spend another 500-600 bucks to play it... it will be another 3 years probably till they get to game design that they would even need these new gen systems to play them.. and by then they probably will be close to releasing a new system and never use the ones you have now to its full potential... hopefully in the future its not just basic upgrades of graphics its new systems like the Wii to keep in intresting... the Wii doesnt need the crazy graphics or resolution and its flying off the shelfs.. were anystore in town atleast here... has a stock pile of PS3 and 360's because they really are nothing new just a upgrade...

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