Guru of everything Ninty
Wii=family fun
ps/xbox= things to do when not jerkin my gerkin all by myself
not that i dont have the others... it is just the way it works... there are very few games good for a group in the same room on eaither of the "gamers" consoles... its a system you play with by yourself or by yourself online with others playing by themself... its not that its better its not that its worse its a whole different part of the market...
there is nothing to compare when it comes to nintendo and ps or xbox... they are different setups completly.. there was nothing to be saved cause nintendo has, will and hopefully always will have the "family" gaming market in thier pocket...
i would be more worried about if PS or Xbox stick around long enough... sony has finacial problems and the xbox is no more fun then a gaming computer... there is enough room for one "gamers" console barely for 2 specially when you figure "gamers" want top of the line graphics,resolution,and software to go with these systems..
both of the new released consoles were a pretty big upset to me.. as the way of graphics and resolution you can barely tell the difference between the old system.. and what you can tell could eaisly have been made up with software improvements not hardware...i think both of these consoles came out too early with nothign fancy attached aside from PS3's motion sensing...
they need real inovation in gaming.. not just an upgrade.. first one to real life 3D graphics will win... but even after that... the little cheep nintendo systems will sell to countless millions of homes around the world because they are cheep, user friendly, and family oriented... very few could tap into that market besides maybe Sega... oh wait nintendo owns that too..lol
long live nintendo ha ha the rest of you prove your worth my money and fight to the death... ha ha ill pick you up when your in the used section of my local game store for a decent price
ps/xbox= things to do when not jerkin my gerkin all by myself
not that i dont have the others... it is just the way it works... there are very few games good for a group in the same room on eaither of the "gamers" consoles... its a system you play with by yourself or by yourself online with others playing by themself... its not that its better its not that its worse its a whole different part of the market...
there is nothing to compare when it comes to nintendo and ps or xbox... they are different setups completly.. there was nothing to be saved cause nintendo has, will and hopefully always will have the "family" gaming market in thier pocket...
i would be more worried about if PS or Xbox stick around long enough... sony has finacial problems and the xbox is no more fun then a gaming computer... there is enough room for one "gamers" console barely for 2 specially when you figure "gamers" want top of the line graphics,resolution,and software to go with these systems..
both of the new released consoles were a pretty big upset to me.. as the way of graphics and resolution you can barely tell the difference between the old system.. and what you can tell could eaisly have been made up with software improvements not hardware...i think both of these consoles came out too early with nothign fancy attached aside from PS3's motion sensing...
they need real inovation in gaming.. not just an upgrade.. first one to real life 3D graphics will win... but even after that... the little cheep nintendo systems will sell to countless millions of homes around the world because they are cheep, user friendly, and family oriented... very few could tap into that market besides maybe Sega... oh wait nintendo owns that too..lol
long live nintendo ha ha the rest of you prove your worth my money and fight to the death... ha ha ill pick you up when your in the used section of my local game store for a decent price