Did the Wii save Nintendo?

if things go at all like last time nintendo will be running for first again... gamecube to date has outsold xbox and is real close to catching up with PS2..i personally believe its because so many ps2's broke noit because everyone wanted it but because you had to go back for seconds like me and everyone i know with the system has....

and with the prices of the new systems as a pointer the only thing keeping nintendo from selling a system is how quick they put it out... every store i went to over this past weekend had a
PS3 and an Xbox360 sitting with no Wii in sight but only one store had any Wii's in stock and it sold out in 15 minutes... while the PS3 and Xbox360 collected dust. it may not be the Gamers choice... but then again a real gamer would try to get every system.. and with a price of only 250 compared to 600 or more... im guessing for alot of people the Wii will be first on there list to pick up even if it is hard to find
Well when i first picked up my gamecube 2 months after launch, i played it 4 days straight and since then ive played it about 4 times. however with the wii i played it just as often as ive played any of the other major consoles. only thing setting the wii back is it cant be played in bed! my beds really close to the tv and to get the motion sensor to detect my movements i have to hang my arm over the other end of the room. which is no good when your just having a relaxing night and the rents are in bed :( so the xbox wins the bed vote, but yes, i think the wii has revived nintendo
Mogzy said:
Well when i first picked up my gamecube 2 months after launch, i played it 4 days straight and since then ive played it about 4 times. however with the wii i played it just as often as ive played any of the other major consoles. only thing setting the wii back is it cant be played in bed! my beds really close to the tv and to get the motion sensor to detect my movements i have to hang my arm over the other end of the room. which is no good when your just having a relaxing night and the rents are in bed :( so the xbox wins the bed vote, but yes, i think the wii has revived nintendo

Exactly the same with me. I always have relaxing wii times in bed, but it gets on my nerves when i have to get up again and move the sensor bar.
JerrodDRagon said:
Ok now we have to be honest Nintendo fans we all know that the Gamcube was not as good as the Xbox or PS2. Sorry its true the gamecube had about 10 great games and alot of good ones but only games like Zelda, MarioKart and Super Smash are remembered from this system. But after 5 years of a really boring system we know have (from most gamers view) the best system of this generation While some Xbox fan boys will say we'll we have Halo 2, Gears of War and Call of Duty 2/3.
Nintendo has Zelda (voted on many sites as game of the year) along with games like DBZ, Rayman, Wario Ware, Trauma Center and Elebits. Plus with Wii play right around the corner for us in the USA the WIi has a great library of games for only being out for 4 months.
And thats not all we also have small extras like the News Channel, Weather channel, and Picture Channel. Also the Virtual Console with great games like Mario 64, Mario Kart, Zelda, Zelda Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Gunstar Heroes and over 50 other games to choose from.
Plus with Wii cade you have over like 50 games to play FOR FREE.

And thats just what the Wii has now if you knew what Nintendo has in plan for us in the next year it would destroy the Ps3 into pieces.

First off we know games like Star Fox 64 and Mario RPG will be coming out in the next year (plus tons of other great VC games)

Next we have the Demo channel hopefully hitting us by the Summer, with both Demo's of Wii games and DS games. Plus the full version of the internet channel will be coming out soon.

Now next onto the games
This month we have
1) Wii Play
2) Sonic and the Secret Rings
3) SSX Blur

In March we have
1) Mario Party 8
2) Prince of Persia Rival Swords

In April we'll have
1)Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
2)Super Paper Mario

In May we have
1) Dragon Quest (rumored)

In June we have
1) Project Hammer
2) Fire Emblem

These game will be out in the summer sometime
1) Pokémon Battle Revolution
2) Mertiod Prime 3
3) Mario Strikers 2

Also we have games that we dint know when they'll be out but there be out by the end of the year
1) DK Bongo Blast
2) Super Smash Brothers Brawl
3) Super Mario Galaxy
4) Wii Music
5) Battalion Wars 2
Plus other 3rd party games like Manhunt and Spiderman 3 and more!

Also this year we'll see at least 4 games go online for FREE!

And thats just of things we know of that are coming to the Wii this year who knows what else could be coming to the Wii this year.

Lastly if you think OMG Nintendo is wasting all of its goo games this year your wrong, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Harvest Moon, Kirby, Resident Evil, Guitar Hero and DDR are coming out next year (2008) and A rumored Zelda game should be out in late 2009 and by 2009 I'll beat we'll see Mario Golf and Mario Tennis out. And we'll also by 2009 see a Star Wars game. Plus who knows what other channels and updates Nintendo will give us by 09!

So I think the Wii has saved Nintendo for the next couple years BUT after about 4 years Nintendo needs to start looking into making a new system OR add a new Hard dive to your Wii to add more memory and Better Graphics's. But for now sit back and get ready for Nintendo at its best making about 10 great games in the next year and hopefully more great games after that.
we cant tell yet
most of those games are first party titles which is what ninty always dose for its consoles (make a lot of first party titles)
which is what ninty's fault is which kills systems in the end
guys even if the wii was never made nintendo would of been fine because of the DS sales.
"Nintendo has Zelda (voted on many sites as game of the year) along with games like DBZ, Rayman, Wario Ware, Trauma Center and Elebits. Plus with Wii play right around the corner for us in the USA the WIi has a great library of games for only being out for 4 months. "

Wow. You listed Rayman, and didn't list Excite Truck.

Rayman is probably the most overrated game for the Wii, hands down. If it was on any other system, I would've burned it.

On the other end of the spectrum, Excite Truck is probably the most underrated game for the Wii. Example A: You never even mentioned it.

I love the Wii, but I can barely stand to read your post. Wii = good, but not "HOLY BATMAN ORGY" good, as your post makes it seem.

You, are a fanboy -- not that I have anything against that, but you should really be going around bugging and trying to convince, oh, maybe people NOT already visiting a Wii fansite? Your title is extremely redundant. Nintendo hasn't been in any kind of trouble in the past ten years. Even though the GameCube didn't do as well as they would of hoped, it still made a considerable profit for them, unlike the Xbox for Microsoft. :|

Just my two cents.
Nfanboy said:
yeah we all hate MaXiMiUS. Because he deserves it. he's such a MS and Sony fanboy.

Just because I disagreed with some of what he said? Wow.

I hate Microsoft. I only own a PS2 because it was a gift from my sister.

yall sound like a bunch of screamin cats in a catfight...
no offense..
chill guys get back on topic...

I think nintendo was always going to be there, wii or not... they are the leaders and always will be when it comes to handhelds... as far as systems go... they'd keep puttin them out but Wii is definitely their console "revolution" after all :yesnod:
LyricistSoldier said:
yall sound like a bunch of screamin cats in a catfight...
no offense..
chill guys get back on topic...

I think nintendo was always going to be there, wii or not... they are the leaders and always will be when it comes to handhelds... as far as systems go... they'd keep puttin them out but Wii is definitely their console "revolution" after all :yesnod:
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