Did the Wii save Nintendo?

NecroDemonNZXT said:
I don't think they ever lost any money anyway....

Well, maybe not since they became a video game manfactorer.

Wikipedia said:
In 1963, Yamauchi renamed Nintendo Playing Card Company Limited to Nintendo Company, Limited. The company then began to experiment in other areas of business using the newly injected capital. During the period of time between 1963 and 1968, Nintendo set up a taxi company, a "love hotel" chain, a TV network, a food company (trying to sell instant rice, similar to instant noodles), and several other things (including a toy remote controlled vacuum cleaner called Chiritory [1]- which was later seen as a two-player game in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ in 2003). All these ventures failed, except toy making, where they had some earlier experience from selling playing cards. Then, after the Tokyo Olympics, playing card sales dropped, leaving Nintendo with a measly 60 yen in stocks.

Ottoman, only Nintendo does that. Microsoft and Sony are just too lazy, so they copie Nintendo.

The Wii didn't save Nintendo. Nintendo didn't need to be saved. Now the Gamcube wasen't the best, but it did have some great games on it, like Paper Mario, Metroid Prime, Mario Party, Super Mario Strikers, and many others. Nintendo was in a little trouble with the GC, even though it worked fine. The DS really pulled them through with now about 9 DS handhelds sold every minute. The games for it are awsome. Kirby: Canvas Curse, Star Fox Command, Animal Crossing, New Super Mario bros and more. Some more great DS games are still to come, like the new Zelda game, but the Wii's games this year is going to shoot Nintendo waaaaay over Sony or Microsoft. I mean, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Stikers: Charged, Metroid prime 3, Super mario Galaxy, and Pokemon Battle Revolution, which is extreamaly popular in Japan. Also Disaster: Day of Crisis looks pretty cool. We also have WarioWare: Smooth Moves out already, and Wii Play coming out in just a few days. So did the Wii save Nintendo? They didn't need to be saved, but the Wii really is killing the compitition now.
The Wii didn't save Nintendo, the Gameboy saved it, the DS helped nintendo even further and the Wii transformed Nintendo into a very strong competitor.
No, your mistaken in may areas.

1. Nintendo accuatly was having a 45% increese in sales, with the uncomming of the top 10 million selling DS, and games. Nintendo was able to make it out last year. However you are right, the gamecube was... not exactly what we wanted

-but it is the strongest system- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y46f76Bpneo :thumbsup:

2. Its true if nintendo had not made the wii, its 65% that they would have to go back to their taxi/hotel bussiness in japan, as of NOA i have no clue, mabey they would sell out. WII RAWKS THE WORLD!

3. Those arn't all the games the gamecube had, Zelda: collectors, wind waker, and masterquest. Mario sunshine, mario parties, mario kart, mario super strikers, luigi's mansion, SSBM, metriod games, animal crossing(belive it or not), tons and tons of anime related games.(which i love with all my heart)

So i think that your half right.
To be honest i would say the ds saved nintendo and the wii just gave it a really BIG boost:smilewinkgrin:
Got a love that wii!:yesnod:
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I have to disagree. Wii did save Nintendo in the console market alone. The DS is already the king of portables. Nintendo has not seen success like this since the SNES days, in fact, the SNES basically had every game genre and there was something for everyone. The same cannot be said for N64 and GCN. Nintendo is basically using the SNES model for the Wii and I believe that it will pay off. Anyway, it seems to me like the Wii is a joke compared to what Nintendo has in store for next generation.

Also Nintendo should remove that retarded 2GB cap on the SD card. :mad5:
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Wiitendo said:
No, your mistaken in may areas.
3. Those arn't all the games the gamecube had, Zelda: collectors, wind waker, and masterquest. Mario sunshine, mario parties, mario kart, mario super strikers, luigi's mansion, SSBM, metriod games, animal crossing(belive it or not), tons and tons of anime related games.(which i love with all my heart)

So i think that your half right.

But from the non Nintendo gamers the new Mario and Luigis games were ntohing special and for me I hated Mario Sunshine (and so did allot of people) Paper Mario 2 was not as good as the first one, Zelda collectors is just alot of Zelda games but into one disk, Im pretty sure no one brought all 4 Mario Parties for the Gamecube you most likely brought 1 or 2 of them and I thought Mario Party 5 sucked, but the Mario Party for the Wii looks fun and new and uses new controls. Maetriod games is a series you either like or don't like for me i didn't like the controls for the game but I'm planning on getting the new Metriod because it uses the Wii remote controls. animal crossing is a fun game at first but most gamers get bored after 10-20 hours BUT the new animal crossing will allow you to connect with friends so it will keep you paying for more hours. As for Anime games they had that last Naruto game which was fun but besides that I dont recall any really great anime games.

And what I mean by saving Nintendo is by saving it in the Main Console war, the DS makes money but Nintendo for the last 5 years has been losing gamers for years but after 4 million systems being should in 3 months it seems that at of Gamers are coming back to Nintendo.
hmmm: "atleast 4 games going online this year" I was hoping that all games with a multiplayer mode (after a certain date) would be online...I guess we cant get ahead of ourselves...
Ninendo was fine...they never all most went under, the made enough from the Gamecube, but the DS brought Nintendo back a gaming company that could take on Sony/MS...the Wii just proved it!
the only games that truely saved the wii is Legend of zelda and Brawl which will come out sometime in march.
after fall of n64 and gcn, it was gameboy colour and gameboy advance which kept nintendo going
then ds SAVED BigN, then Wii made it King again.
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Borch712ers said:
hmmm: "atleast 4 games going online this year" I was hoping that all games with a multiplayer mode (after a certain date) would be online...I guess we cant get ahead of ourselves...
We can only hope games like Wii sports, DBZ, Call of Duty and Madden go online its possible since Japan already has the new Pokemon and when online comes out then you'll be able ot play Pokemon online so its possible but as of right now we only know of like 4 games that will be online.
Master Foot said:
I have to disagree. Wii did save Nintendo in the console market alone. The DS is already the king of portables. Nintendo has not seen success like this since the SNES days, in fact, the SNES basically had every game genre and there was something for everyone. The same cannot be said for N64 and GCN. Nintendo is basically using the SNES model for the Wii and I believe that it will pay off. Anyway, it seems to me like the Wii is a joke compared to what Nintendo has in store for next generation.

Also Nintendo should remove that retarded 2GB cap on the SD card. :mad5:

:) Though I don't believe Nintendo was hurting all that much in the console market, Wii did make Nintendo once again a potent force. Either way though, with its handheld sales, Nintendo was hardly in all that bad of a place to "need saving."

And yeah, I second that the Wii is a joke compared to what they still have in store. It's nice in being first to revolutionary technology, but the money's in being second, where you can take the new ideas, perfect them, and take it to a level you never would've expected.

As far as the 2gb cap goes, it's not an intentional cap, it's hardware limitations. Nintendo probably didn't even expect more than 2gb to ever be needed (and I share the same belief). There are 4gb cards that you can use, some have been confirmed, but I forget which.
I agree that Wii saved them in the console market - for me at least. Wii is the first Nintendo console I bought within 2 years of launch - and the first I bought new since I bought the NES in 1987 or 88 (bought a used SNES is the late 90's). The handhelds were always keeping Nintendo on top of at least that portion of the market. Nobody touched Original Gameboy, Advanced, or DS.
Then again, in my eyes, Sony should get credit for renewing Nintendo's prominence, because it was them being asleep at the wheel that allowed it to happen.
i dont think it saved them... nintendo sence the N64 has had its own chunk of the market its not the hardcore gamers system... you dont play halo you dont get vice city... what you get is tones of family oriented games and a good 90 percent of them are 4 players... they made a console that is for the family... not for the 27 year old without a girlfriend in his moms basement...lol sorry to all you guys that fit in that group, but xbox and PS have made there killings of frat boys and single guys with plenty of money no bills... and the only thing to spend it on is games and systems...

nintendo will always have there share of the market.. and even without the huge titles they sell like crazy cause they keep the prices down.. even the "hardcore" gamers with a xbox,xbox360 PS1,2,3 under there t.v. have a gamecube tucked under the counch... why? cause for 99 bucks you get a system with 2 remotes and a game.. that would barley get him 2 crappy title games for his other systems...
and now with the Wii being a whole new way of playing i expect it to pick up even more cause sure these guys will be great at there online first person shooters... but when a 7 year old can whip his tale just cause the controlls are motion controlled on his version of splinter cell and his... is only motion sensative, "if at all" he wont stand for it..
The Wii brings it all the a new level.. anyone can be good at a game not everyone can be good on a system... and just because the game play is so new it wont matter how good or bad the titles are its just learning how to play the game let alone finnish it that will keep nintendo going for years to come

im the guy who sports every nintendo system under the t.v. and hide my other systems under the couch.. not only because i like nintendo more but i dont like everyone to know that i "play with myself" on the other systems.. which i seem to rarely do anymore anyone want some PS's? or an Xbox? im thinking of buying some nintendo handhelds..lol
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