Did Anyone Play this Game ?

I should point out now that whether you can copy and use a ROM is not always only dependant on whether you own a game or not. Some newer games have license agreements which override simple copyright regulations. Typically, newer software includes a card listing all the things a user agrees to by opening the software or installing it. Under current copyright law, you can make a copy of a game. But a license can prevent even this. That's not to say that all or even most do: Read your license agreements carefully, just like they say you should.

So, neither of us are correct and incorrect, As this extract of an article says, it is legal to own a copy of a ROM if you own it but in some license agreements in games, it could be illegal.
But shadow, if you download a ROM, and if you get caught, you won't have proof that you owned the game (as you lost it).

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lee.jarratt said:
So, neither of us are correct and incorrect, As this extract of an article says, it is legal to own a copy of a ROM if you own it but in some license agreements in games, it could be illegal.
But shadow, if you download a ROM, and if you get caught, you won't have proof that you owned the game (as you lost it).


true, but how will i get caught ?

*hears knock at door*

Shadow20074 said:
true, but how will i get caught ?

*hears knock at door*


lol, that made me chuckle :)

Let's say a mod looks at your IP address, collects proof of illegal ROM owning from wiichat and hands it over to the police, they can find out where you live.

But never mind, that will never happen ;)

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  • #20
lee.jarratt said:
But never mind, that will never happen ;)

*Lee runs off, "hello is this the police?" "yes sir how may i help you" "id like to report somthing...":yikes:
Shadow20074 said:
*Lee runs off, "hello is this the police?" "yes sir how may i help you" "id like to report somthing...":yikes:

The police aren't on their way, don't worry. *smirk*

erm i have shed loads of music i downloaded....been meaning to buy the ones i liked...havnt got round to it yet....;)

and roms....hmmm well they shouldnt be so easy to get ;)

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yeah you didnt hear this from me...but one of the pcs in my house is full or illegally downloaded crap...yes...even that
Shadow20074 said:
*Lee runs off, "hello is this the police?" "yes sir how may i help you" "id like to report somthing...":yikes:
"Theres some a**hole downloading ROMs of games!" "Oh dear... Well... See you..."
Yes. I was too young to understand it though. I hated it when I was younger.
I think my uncle took it, otherwise I'd be playing it now.
my wii is edgy with anything differnt thn normal wii disks
and thats why i h8 pirate crap *cough*

if anyone thinks im suspicious there a witch i say a duck weighing test folloed by burning them.

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