Darkrai givaway

Tails McCloud~ said:
Will there be another giveaway? And if so, when/how will if happen? Seems like Darkrai should be a tournament reward to me.

@shabenbros - Tch, who are you?.....exactly.

Well Monogatari, who's got a new Darkrai?

lets just say i'm close to manogatary and he doesn't know that.
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nobody has won yet, mostly because i cant get online :(

i've called nintendo a couple times, nobody seems to understand what is going on. i even posted on the forum at nintendo.

since my internet is being completly retarded i cant link my help thread, but it's titled Error 61010 and located in the DS WIFI technical forum.

since a lot of people didnt believe i was getting it, i took a picture as well. any help would be nice, i'm willing to give a darkrai to anyone who can help [the one i was going to keep, i have two. NOT the one from this forum :p]

EDIT: the givaway is officially over, my ID is 23569. I read someone else wanted to give away a darkrai for me [which would be very helpful, this problem is killing me, i lost a chance at a palcity lucario].

Any entries edited after this posting date is disqualified. Thank you for willing to give away, just make sure to look at the bottom of posts for the

Last edited by Monogatari : Today at 05:08 PM

at the bottom to make sure they didnt cheat ;)
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MikemasterM1 said:
what the heck. He says he game back with something interesting or something he holds a contest for darkrai and he doesn't tell who won.

huge thunderstorms knocked out my power, plus someone said they'd help me since i didnt have my wifi fixed, as such. I'm gonna look through the forums to see who won now, anyone who has edited posts over trainer ID # i'm disqualifying
Monogatari said:
huge thunderstorms knocked out my power, plus someone said they'd help me since i didnt have my wifi fixed, as such. I'm gonna look through the forums to see who won now, anyone who has edited posts over trainer ID # i'm disqualifying
Lmao I never thought about doing that ._.

I had thunderstorms too... Accompanied with a blazing hot sun and cloudy skies :wtf:
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i'll say owen got it, he has 24 hours to pm me to claim his prize, and or contact me somewhere else.

if not, arcadium will get it, since he at least had one matching number [even though it was a 5, in the middle :-\]

this contest has gone way longer than it should, and i apologize for that.

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