Darkrai givaway

my dex is complete. The only pokes I have that arent legit are arceus, darkrai, shaymin, & deoxys. Everything else is legit. (yeah, even celebi)
I would really like a darkrai.
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  • #36
Term21 said:
name: neo

it's creepy as hell that your trainer name is my name in real life. thought i'd point this out [and post so people know i'm still monitoring this page]

i'm gonna reread everything, and see if anyone even has one digit so far right now, so everything above this post has been counted
Slimi said:
Can you post who has 1 digit so far and who is winning?
That's poo, it'll ruin the fun:prrr:
Oh and off topic (sorry), Monogatari, do you really live in Tokyo [dumb question but yeah] and speak the native language over there? When I heard you on wifi, you don't sound heavily accented as I was hoping for =3
@WP- he might have moved and learned *shrugs*
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  • #45
I have some good news, and some bad news.

Good news: I have more than one darkrai, i might make another contest. I am sort of disappointed in the turnover in this contest though, i thought a lot of other people wanted darkrai :p ah well, thats what hacks do.

Bad news: As of late, i havent been able to connect to the wifi, and i keep getting error 61010. I'd post in the wifi edit place, but i have a sneaking suspicion it's pokemon related. If anyone helps i'll give them another entry in the contest, adding any number they wish, since without the internet there cant be a winner ;)

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