Colossal Idiot Here

KyleForMe said:
I welcome all the clever mocking yall can come up with. Non stop spam is the reason I missed the friggin email in the first place.
Ironic, isn't it? :ciappa:
Well, you may have missed out on a $250 game console. So what, just think of those people that lost million $ lottery tickets or didn't play the one time their numbers came up. You'll get over this.
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Rahnter said:
Yeah, it seems as if it was legit. A lot of websites were having giveaway contests... 1up, EB, etc. If they had contacted you out of the blue then it's a scam, but he entered a contest.

That sucks! Are you 18? If you aren't, then maybe they wouldn't have give you the wii anyways... and that would've been a lot worse.

Yeah im 23, and to the post above ^^, I know its just a game system which is why Im just ranting on a forum.
BTW I already have a wii, but I've never won anything so thats the most frustrating part of all.
I never trust e-mail offers for free prices, a simple e-mail could reveal a lot of information about your computer for hackers. You can never be too careful.