Wii Online FAQ

i updated my wii and the screen gave me a msg software has been corrupted , now whenever i switch on my wii the screen is blank . can any one help me on this ?
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that happened to my friend also. he is working on it today when i find out what he did ill get back to you
Hi i updated my wii using wireless intrenet , the next day when i switched it on i gave me a msg that the software has been courrpted and no the screen is just blank nothing is displayed\r\n
Please advice
my daughter has changed language setting to German on planet rescue game does anyone know how to change it back to english

LU336448439 wi console stolen. HELP

My wii console serial #LU336448439 was stolen along with my remotes, my wireless charger and all my games. The police are not very hopeful. I didn't have house insurance that is going to cover gaming consoles. I had the console registered...is there anyway I can track it down? I don't have the mac address but I did go online with it before it was stolen. Please someone Help!!
wii remote

My wii remote b button is stuck. Is there any way to un stick it/take it apart?
My wii is acting up, when I turn it on, its got a black screen, then about a minute later, a screen comes up and it says to press the A button on the remote to continue, but once I do that, nothing happens? What should I do?
what is the cheapest and best way yo get online on the wii without using a wireless connector? And where can i find it?
I need help i have the netgear wpn824 wireless router i each time i try i keep getting code 52230 i try removing the security still the same, I took the wii by my mom to try her router and it work but not with mine please help me how to connect code 52230 is killing me thanks
Help trying to figure out the wii he is up to something

I know this sounds weird but my spouse spends a lot of time watching tv down stairs. But im now wondering if he has been messing around on the wii. Every morning the wireless controller is in a different spot. And the wii is left on, I asked him about it and he said the wii can come on by its self. I let that one slide, also i think he is getting text messeages from his phone. Yesterday my home phone witch is time warner didnt work. When people called me its said the VERIZON CELL PHONE IS NOT ACCEPTING CALLS. When about 5 hours went by i decicided to un hook the wii. Then i used my cell phone and called the house phone and it worked. The phone company was in shock when they called my home phone. Need to figure this out.
Seriously he's an adult. Why would he sneak to play the wii?
Technically it can't turn on alone however my sisters bluetooth phone turns mine off at times. sucks
You cant text a wii directly. You can email it but only if you both added each other in the address book. I use wii-mail alot. Its simple but easy to find out. Look in your address book. There will be a name with an email address attached to it.
Wii has nothing to do with your phone line unless you are on dial-up its possible I suppose.
Really you need to loosen up. Very paranoid.
Wii Sports Bowling Sounds?

When I play Bowling I get no sound when knocking the pins down. Is this normal? It seems wierd.
i dont know how to play games with other people around the world.I'm already set up on the internet and have people "registered" to my console, but does that mean i can play games with them? can you help me?

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