What I here them saying is "Wii wont help you."

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WiiChat Member
May 1, 2007
Ever tried to talk to a company and not been given any real assistance?

That is unless you hand write a letter of complaint in quadruplicate send it by express mail, registerd mail, air mail and snail mail. Then telephone in to ensure they have it. Then wait for a responce.

Thats the way it feels here.

Here is my corrospondance with Nintendo. So feel free to vent here too.

From: <nintendoservicecentre@codestorm.co.uk>
To: <X>
Subject: RE: Further argument that the Wii is a poor product

Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.

I am the manager of the Service Centre. You are a lot closer to the
offices of Nintendo of Australia than I am. A telephone call from you
to them would be a lot cheaper than from me, and who knows, you may get
the answer you want. A letter from you to them would have a greater
chance of being delivered than one from me. The link I gave detailed
both the telephone numbers and the postal address. If you are not
prepared to act upon the information as given then I am sorry but I can
not prepared to respond to your emails.

Kind regards,

Your Nintendo Team

Nintendo Service Centre,
CoDEstorm House, Walton Road, Farlington, Hampshire, PO6 1TR.

Tel - 0870 6060247 (Calls charged at the National rate)

Service Centre Hours 08.30 to 19.00 Monday to Friday (Excluding Bank
Please include the original message in all correspondence to this

The information contained in this message is legally privileged and
confidential information intended only for the use of the individual
or the entity named as recipient. If the reader of this message is not
the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copy of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have

received this message in error, please immediately notify us by
telephone on 0870 6060 247, and return the original message to the
sender. Your co-operation is appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: X [mailto:X@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 01 May 2007 14:14
To: Nintendo Service Centre
Subject: RE: Further argument that the Wii is a poor product

I believe that your advice is not good enough.

Obviously you have refernced the website and know that there is no
e-mail address there.

"If the do not have an email address for you to use publicised on their
web page I can not help you further."

I do not believe that you are taking this seriously.

And demand your employee number and contact details of your supervisor.

Angered Gamer
Grant Davis

From: <nintendoservicecentre@codestorm.co.uk>
To: <X>
Subject: RE: Further argument that the Wii is a poor product
Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 10:32:55 +0100

Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.

Take a look at this link -
http://www.nintendo.com.au/nintendo/contact/index.php - If the do not
have an email address for you to use publicised on their web page I can
not help you further. You will need to write or call them to ask why.

Kind regards,

Your Nintendo Team

Nintendo Service Centre,
CoDEstorm House, Walton Road, Farlington, Hampshire, PO6 1TR.

Tel - 0870 6060247 (Calls charged at the National rate)

Service Centre Hours 08.30 to 19.00 Monday to Friday (Excluding Bank
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confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or
the entity named as recipient. If the reader of this message is not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copy of this message is strictly prohibited. If you

received this message in error, please immediately notify us by
telephone on 0870 6060 247, and return the original message to the
sender. Your co-operation is appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: X [mailto:X]
Sent: Tuesday, 01 May 2007 01:33
To: Nintendo Service Centre
Subject: RE: Further argument that the Wii is a poor product

Although your assistance is appreciated. Your advice was unhelpful.
The original reason I contacted nintendoservicecentre@codestorm.co.uk
is because www.nintendo.com.au does not have customer support e-mail
address listed on their website.

Unless you can most helpful and provide me with a responsive Australian
e-mail address for nintendo customer support. I am, your problem.

Grant Davis.
Even more disgruntled gamer.

From: <nintendoservicecentre@codestorm.co.uk>
To: <X>
Subject: RE: Further argument that the Wii is a poor product
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 15:53:13 +0100
Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.

As previously advised you need to be talking to www.nintendo.com.au

Kind regards,

Your Nintendo Team

Nintendo Service Centre,
CoDEstorm House, Walton Road, Farlington, Hampshire, PO6 1TR.

Tel - 0870 6060247 (Calls charged at the National rate)

Service Centre Hours 08.30 to 19.00 Monday to Friday (Excluding Bank

ase include the original message in all correspondence to this


The information contained in this message is legally privileged and
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the entity named as recipient. If the reader of this message is not
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copy of this message is strictly prohibited. If you
received this message in error, please immediately notify us by
telephone on 0870 6060 247, and return the original message to the
sender. Your co-operation is appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: X [mailto:X]
Sent: Monday, 30 April 2007 04:27
To: Nintendo Service Centre
Subject: Further argument that the Wii is a poor product

I would like to express my bitter disappointment of the Wii.

The quality of games that have been realized I believe are poor.

Also to the failure to provide the capacity to play previous titles from
game cube.
Classic controllers do not effectively replace the original game cube
controllers. Then what is their function?

Add to that the unavailability to purchase original controllers; you do
not make them anymore, In Australia the are in no shop in a city as
large as newcastle.

I am bitterly disappointed in Nintendo as now I have spent near $1000 of
nintendo products to play no decent games.

What is nintendo doing to its loyal customers?

Why can I not save data to the flash drive? Such as game cube game

So to get full functionality out of a wii you need.

1X Wii $389
3x Wiimote $75ea
4X classic controllers $30ea
3X nun chuck $30ea
4x Game cube controller second hand $17.90ea 1x SD card 1gigabyte
$59.95 1x Game cube memory card $39.95

Approximately $1070.50 with Wii play and wii sports...
And then the titles are $89.95 ea

Can you please tell me where I can get a refund. Because I would

to waste my money on the the failing Sony Playstation 3.

Disgruntled gamer.
your one in a million. almost anybody you ask will say that nintendo always has better service than sony or m$

but now i bet a bunch of jerks are gonna post how much they hate nintendo customer service. watev

FTW, where the hell do you live?

$400 for a Wii? $75 for a Wiimote? $60 1gig mem card? $90 for a game?

Is it this expensive in Australia? Wtf...
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:

Bastard! That Was Really Mean... Jarratt Is One Of The Most Respected Members On This Site....


F____ OFF!

im also one of the most respected
Wiisad.. sorry bout you sound like a complete di**h***. i dont know anybody that would have such a big cry and sad over a game system which you CHOSE to buy.

Stop whinging to Nintendo, if you don't like it, take it back to where you bought it with all your receipts and get your money back or store credit (whatever the store you bought it from's policy is) and shut the fk up.

A NORMAL person would stop buying games and accessories and then bring the item back WHERE THEY BOUGHT IT FROM FOR A REFUND!

Did you buy it from Nintendo themselves or a shop that sells Nintendo products?? I bet you bought it from a Shop not Nintendo themselves so go have a cry to them instead.

Also Classic Controllers where NEVER said to be used with Game Cube games. When you put in an actual GAMECUBE disk you use a GAMECUBE controller. (so stop going off at Nintendo because you are too stupid to work it out)

Bloody noobs
you sir are a ****ing idiot.

you are the kind of people that need to stop reproducing in our world.

good day.
zeon9881 said:
im also one of the most respected

Are you lost? :p

You seem to be one of the people that complain about every little flaw in everything. Just take it back, and get your money back. Don't try to make yourself seem more important than other people.
This is an absolute waste of time.
If people like WiiSad here would just die ... life would be MUCH easier.
Poor Nintendo. I feel so sorry for them. If you had CALLED Nintendo of Australia in the FIRST PLACE, you would have got help almost IMMEDIATELY.
Besides, it doesn't hurt to call Nintendo of Australia. Fairly cheap, and you usually get to talk to a girl with an attractive seductive voice (who knows everything about Nintendo -drools-).

If it's THAT bad, go to the ASIC website and complain to them. They'll get you your refunds. >.>;
Please oh please do NOT complain to Nintendo. It isn't Nintendo's fault if you can't read a manual or can't have fun with $1000 worth of Wii.

If I had $1000 worth of Wii accesories, I would be the happiest person in the world. v.v;

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