COD4 Thread

Gold guns for each class: (Obtained by completing all the challenges in each weapon class)
Assault: AK-47
SMG: Mini-Uzi
LMG: M60E4
Shotgun: M1014
Sniper: Dragunov
Side Arm: Desert Eagle (Obtained at level 55 of each prestige and the first time through)
i have the golden deagle and ak-47. im about to get the golden mini uzi, well, i was, then my 360 prodded.
I think my 360 is finally going down the drain after only 5 months. It froze twice while in cod4, then froze like 5 times when I first turn on my xbox and its showing the logo.

Looks like I may have to get it repaired -.-
T3kNi9e said:
I think my 360 is finally going down the drain after only 5 months. It froze twice while in cod4, then froze like 5 times when I first turn on my xbox and its showing the logo.

Looks like I may have to get it repaired -.-
Yea sounds like you need to get it repaired, it should RROD soon if it's acting like that. Mine would freeze like that before it RRODed on me. Well my 2nd one, my 3rd 360 has worked ok, I got the 3 rings once, but did their troubleshooting and it has worked since.

On the gold gun note, I've never tried to get any of the gold guns, I just get the deagle everytime through. Though I don't use it, I prefer the 1911, good knockdown, and you can silence it.
Yea, i got RROD like 30 mins later. Now im gonna be without my xbox for like 3 weeks :/

and im already bored of my Wii games and my brother is playing cod4 on the ps3 so I don't want to force him off it because of me, he's the one who payed for cod4 on ps3.
If anyone wants to play COD4 with me, im failry decent at times. Just got my 360 this past sunday. Gamertag = Chin35char
T3kNi9e said:
Yea, i got RROD like 30 mins later. Now im gonna be without my xbox for like 3 weeks :/

and im already bored of my Wii games and my brother is playing cod4 on the ps3 so I don't want to force him off it because of me, he's the one who payed for cod4 on ps3.
that's rough. i was going to say maybe it was just cod4 cause my xbox was freezing one night and i was pissed cause i figured it was about to RROD but i asked everybody in the lobby if it was happening to them and a couple said yeah. and the next time i went on it was fine.
COD will freeze when the Live servers are having problems. It is quite annoying. Also I think they need to improve how the host is selected. I hate getting in a match where the host has a bad connection and in turn ruins the gameplay. I played a bit for once last night. Did ok by my standards. Went 16-3, 18-7, and 14-2 after I had a couple warm up rounds where I did something like 7-8, and 6-10 (that's what happens when I don't play any COD or xbox for 5/6 days).
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whats your opinion on the recent patch for melee kills making it harder to knife someone? i wasnt even aware it was a patch, but i had noticed it was a bit harder to hit someone. someone had mentioned it in passing in a match so i questioned him. theres supposed to be a new patch but i forgot what the guy said it would be for. it was good though, thats all i remember
Hmm, I wasn't aware of that. I noticed it wasn't as easy to kill someone with the knife, but I thought it was just me being out of position. I think it makes it better, so that it isn't really easy to knife/be knifed.
For I have gotten every achievement in the damned game.
Hah. I kid.

Actually, it wasn't that hard.
Except for Mile High Club.
My god, that took me to a new level of anger. D:

Yeah. ****. Took me days to beat the Epilogue on Vet.
haha, i cant even get past that level where your in an open field with a helo flying above you adn you ahve no cover but you have to advance anyways.

TOTALLY REDICULOUS! plus if i ever do beat that part on veteran im sure the ending of the sniper mission will kick my ass.
My online skills suck. Oy! Also, I die whenever I use snipers. I get killed about 8 seconds after I spawn because when I fire(sniper) at a dude 2 inches in front of me they don't die! #@&%! AHHHHH!!! I HATE SPAWN KILLERS!!!! They make the majority of my like 300+ death count.

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