COD4 Thread

T3kNi9e said:
I think you have to hold your breath or you will miss most of the time. Atleast thats what it seems like.

I'm not talking about aiming. If I were to scope and hold my breath and then shoot the spawnkiller I'd be dead already. I should be able to kill some SPAWN KILLING B**** thats right in front of me!!! Even with a sniper rifle.
Ive never spawned right in front of someone. I have spawned kind of close by. But its usually me spawning, then running a little, then I see someone. But thats worst case scenario, its never been worse than that. Probably the worst was on wetworks but that only happened once.
Monsteroids said:
I'm not talking about aiming. If I were to scope and hold my breath and then shoot the spawnkiller I'd be dead already. I should be able to kill some SPAWN KILLING B**** thats right in front of me!!! Even with a sniper rifle.
Have you ever shot a real rifle with a scope on it?
minto said:
How come i see people starting games with like a sniper and a machine gun?
there's a perk called Overkill and it allows you to use a primary as your secondary, so if you wanted you could carry two sniper rifles. lol
SensesFail said:
there's a perk called Overkill and it allows you to use a primary as your secondary, so if you wanted you could carry two sniper rifles. lol
I have one of my classes using Overkill, it's named Dual Tube...

Three guesses to what my set-up is for that class.

I don't like using overkill because then I can't use UAV Jammer, which is my main-stay in all my classes.
Went 20-0 on ambush on saturday : )

had an lmg(i tap it and dont hold it to save ammo)

Got to 5 kills and got 4 with the airstrike.
So thats 9

Then got the helicopter which got my 6 more kills

which is 15..than got 5 more with my lmg and ran out of ammo and hid the whole time lol
Never been one to be defensive or "hide" or camp. I get bored that way. I rather go balls to the wall and run out.

Me personally I get helicopter then start playing alot more aggressive until I die. When I finally die THEN I call helicopter so it can help me get my streak going again. Unless of course the game is about to end soon, then I just call helicopter.
i find m yself being TOO aggressive. often i get MVP but i also have the most deaths. (not always, but a lot of the time) i just rambo it and get a kill or two then die. everyonce in a while ill play devensively though to get airstrikes and choppers.

wetworks is the best level to get helos on for me. i can get 30-35 kills on that map on a good day.
Depends on the map and what gun I'm using on how I play. With an SMG or Assault Rifle I'll tend to run around the map and thats when I usually go 25-5 type games, when I camp and use my Sniper Rifles, G3, M14 I'll camp and try to find a good "Sniping" spot. Pretty much my style changes every match. (As of late I've been playing very mediocre. I'm sick and I think it's messing with me.)
Went into my 8th prestige couple days ago. I've been playing better as of late, my 5 days away ruined my play. Been averaging low to mid 20 kills and then started playing a little more search and destroy and did pretty well in that too.
i dont know how you stay hooked to this game, i play it every once in a while but it isnt my 'go-to' game, grats on your 8th prestige, thats incredible
Jay588 said:
i dont know how you stay hooked to this game, i play it every once in a while but it isnt my 'go-to' game, grats on your 8th prestige, thats incredible
Thanks, I'm just trying to keep up with a few of my friends. 3 are already 10th prestige level 55 and 3 more are in their 9th prestige. It's my favorite game, pretty much only game I've played since buying it. I've had urges to play other games, but they're boring by myself and I generally have someone to play COD 4 with online.

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