COD4 Thread

blueovalboy7 said:
It's pointless, you're essentially pissing lead. A constant stream of bullets and you run out of ammo way too quickly. It fires fast enough as it is. Pretty accurate and has a decent range. It's great with a silencer, though any gun with a silencer is nice.
i use this perk with P90 all the time. the real gun has a 50 round mag, i think the game version has the same. when i use it i actually dont run out of bullets as fast as youd think. you knwo how you usually reload after killing someone? wel idn if YOU do but most people do, well with the P90 i find myself reloading much less than with the M4.

as for my class that i use most often:
P90-no attachment (love the iron sites on this gun)
Gold D.E.
Perk1-3x grenades
Perk2-Double Tap

when i snipe:
.50 cal
SMG of some sort (i switch this often)
Perk1-claymore x2
Perk3-iron lungs

and the last class i use:
M4-acog scope
Perk1-forgot.. lol

then i leave the other class to my friends to change when they play, and the last one i use when i need to get challenges done for a weapon.

just got my lvl.55 the other day.
blueovalboy7 said:
G36C is my favorite Assault rifle, I like the iron sights on it so it works well when I run the silencer on it.

I tried the G36C last night and its pretty awesome shooting people at long range. Very accurate. But not as high firepower as the AK-47.. so it took a little longer for enemies to die.

Least favorite Assault rifle is the AK-47, very inaccurate and has too much recoil.

Eh its not that inaccurate once you get used to controlling the recoil. Once you learn how to control it you could shoot people at long distances by firing nonstop.

just got my lvl.55 the other day.

Grats! 4 levels for me still =X
i would love the g36 if i didnt have to unlock the red dot. i hate the iron sites its got. makes it very hard to shoot at long distances.

just played some cage match for the first time today, pretty cool. i won every match of course. lol
I seem to be terrible and haven't played much but as with most FPS's it just takes time for me unfortunetly due to RROD I don't have that time
WiiZero said:
I seem to be terrible and haven't played much but as with most FPS's it just takes time for me unfortunetly due to RROD I don't have that time
that sucks. but when i first started playing i would place in the last 2 or 3 but now when im "in the zone" i get most kills or second most kills in a match. i have a problem with dieing though. lots of times my k/d ratio will be either negative or +1 or 2 lol
wow what a NOOB! jk.

dont see many people below the level 30 now-a-days. probably cause everyones had it for so long, but i remember when everybody would be like level 1-25

edit: Whoo! had a good night tonight. just got 34 kills WITHOUT using a helicopter on wetworks. i decided to use an airstrike once and it got me 2 kills, then i called in a helo but at the end but the game was over before it could pwn noobs. lol so i ended up with 34 wich is a new record for me in team deathmatch. old record was 32 on wetworks.
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Very nice.

Granted I only play Hardcore Team Deathmatch, I had a few good games earlier. Couple 29 kill games and a 31 kill game. I'm at about +4500 kills over total deaths with a ratio of 1.26.

I think I quit at level 24 on this prestige...

Yea I know I play too much, but it's just so addicting and good that I play for hours when I do play.
i decided not to go into prestiege, not yet anyways. when the online starts to get boring i will just to make it funa gain. but now id like to keep my weapons as they are.
Yea I didn't go prestige for a few days when I hit 55 the first time, then got bored with my XP counting for nothing so I just rolled into the next one, and since then I've just run through each one. Thing is you can do fine to start with the M16 out the gate, a very nice assault rifle.
i hate the M16 though. that 3 round burst kills me, id rather start with a semi auto rifle like the G3.

im sure ill end up doing prestiege in a week or two.

seems like everytime im on your on too blueovalboy lol. i was playing like crap today though, we should play a game sometime though, hopefully i dont embarrass myself lol
Yea I know I play too much, but it's just so addicting and good that I play for hours when I do play.

Yeah lol I think I saw you catch up to my level(47 or something) in one sitting. Crazy -_-
D1nner said:
Yeah lol I think I saw you catch up to my level(47 or something) in one sitting. Crazy -_-
:D Well it's easy to rank up when I'm getting 1000xp from challenges and 300 points from kills and then the bonus on top of that. Had another decent stretch yesterday, 30 kills, 28 kills, and another I started the game out 22 kills and 0 deaths until a sniper found me, think I finished up at 26 and 2.

SensesFail said:
i hate the M16 though. that 3 round burst kills me, id rather start with a semi auto rifle like the G3.

im sure ill end up doing prestiege in a week or two.

seems like everytime im on your on too blueovalboy lol. i was playing like crap today though, we should play a game sometime though, hopefully i dont embarrass myself lol
I told you, I'm addicted to this flippin' game, :D and I wouldn't worry about playing bad, I have my games where I can't do anything right. Though when we play if it's regular deathmatch I'll get destroyed for a few games, because I'm used to hardcore.
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yeah i never play hardcore but ive recently gotten into glitching (know tons) and many have to be done on old school, so i started playing actual old school matches and their lots of fun. but im not as good at them as i am in tdm.

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