Can the Wii have done better?

give it time people, most of the games are ported games, or the developers havent use its full potiental, i think Wii will have better graphics when its using its full potiental, look at Super Mario Galaxy the graphics are better than sunshine, also look at the Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it has way better graphics than SSBM how can you say it doesnt have great graphics, just give it time nintendo won't use its full capabilities just yet, they have to give it time.
fiveryanfrenzy said:
1) We don't yet know the full capabilities of the Wii, also think about how amazing the controls are. The nunchuck is basically a joystick without a base, it's like a free moving joystick. Also the remote is amazing for throttle and things like that. This system has alot of unlocked potential.

2) The PS3 is a good machine, just wait until the game developers harness the multiprocessor Cell chip: can anyone say AI? This system too has alot of unlocked potential.

Just give the software developers time to learn how to use the new cutting edge hardware.

And by the time the developers figure out how to take advantage of the PS3's cell chip, the next version of Wii will be out. Remember Sony loses money on every PS3 they sell and Nintendo makes a nice profit. So Nintendo will be able to upgrade things faster and keep the price point for replacement low, where Sony has to amatorize their investement by keeping the system for a while till the components come down in price so they can make a profit.

CoreyNJ said:
And by the time the developers figure out how to take advantage of the PS3's cell chip, the next version of Wii will be out.


I think we can give the developers a little more credit than that.
Wii Smurf hit the nail on the head here. The Wii has a different target audience to the PS3/X360.

It aims to indroduce people to gaming who wouldn't normally be gamers, and it's certainly done that with my family.

It caters for 3 year olds to 83 year olds, again has done that in my family.

Any real gamer will know that good graphics don't make a good game, and anyone who says otherwise is just a fanboy and not a real gamer. Shiny graphics soon wear thin.

I'm not trying to show off or anything here, but I have the luxury of being able to afford any of the 3 consoles. I went for the Wii. It's fun, it doesn't take itself too seriously, and it is so so innovative.

Hats off to Nintendo, again they have come up with something totally original by daring to be that little bit different. I hope it works out for them, they deserve it in my opinion.
My relatives, all rather snobby, turned their nose up when I told them I was planning on getting a Wii. The only one who was interested was my 87 year old Grandad.

For Christmas when my relatives came over to my family's house, I quietly invited Grandad to have a go at bowling with out telling anyone else because I knew they'd poke fun at me and my Wii. Grandad can walk but needs a walker and he finds it hard to stand up. So he bowled sitting down by swinging his arm down beside his chair. Grandad has trouble operating his VCR, DVD player and TV but not the Wii. He picked it up what he had to do almost immediately.

Grandad was hooked and as soon as everyone saw how much fun he was having, everyone wanted a go. They all had a good laugh creating their Mii and having them compete in Wii Sports.

Now just over a week on, out of the relatives that came over for Christmas, they have bought 3 Wiis between them.

Now try and tell me that Nintendo failed or didn't do as well as they could have.
the wii has a 128mb chip in it for graphics. it is an over clocked chip so it out performs the gamecube by an estimated 1.5 times. so, though it does not have the power it is close to in between the gamecube and ps3. zelda looks great at 480p, though i also wish it was 720p. the ps3 is only 256mb of graphics, so though it looks good, and better than the wii, it still gets waaaaay out performed by computers which are now running 1-2gb of graphics. im all for the wii.
well i think nintendo wanted to make something reveloutionary( lol BIG word) and if they put soo much hardware it would be Bigger, more money, and stuff ok.. yeahh
I just say, just wait until 2008.

Then by then, we might see what these bad boys can churn out for us.

If the Wii's specs are better than Xbox 1, and the xbox had some pretty nice graphics on it (for me anyways), those developers can churn out some seriously pretty images.

Zelda's beautiful (yet again, for me anyways), and the controls are just lovely (though the wolf just isn't as fun as human, FOR ME ANYWAYS (-sets on repeat-)).

Just give those developers some time.
And if Sony HAS to lower that thing's price. It's scaring off alot of the potential buyers, one including my friend. Who played my wii and wants a wii now.
i think if the Wii had HD games, like im talking 720p.

It would be great, just better graphics, thats all i think its missing.

I think by using the SD cards for memory, they saved SOOOOOOOOOO much money in having HD's in there...

I can buy 2 2gig cards for 50$ canadian, and move it around, im happy.

Full HD, and surround sound, Wii would rule. but oh well....Wii 2 hopefully will have it
My friend is like calling Wii bad and stuff and he bought a 360 like a week ago.It's so godly since it can download movies and music >.>
Holy Hero said:
My friend is like calling Wii bad and stuff and he bought a 360 like a week ago.It's so godly since it can download movies and music >.>

Wow Zomg really?!?!?!!? It can download music AND MOVIES?!??!?

My computer which is 5x more powerful ( oh yeah ) must be completely useless >_>.. or wait.. its 5x better.... What is xbox360 then? a retarded computer.. yes.
Trulen said:
I just say, just wait until 2008.

Then by then, we might see what these bad boys can churn out for us.

If the Wii's specs are better than Xbox 1, and the xbox had some pretty nice graphics on it (for me anyways), those developers can churn out some seriously pretty images.

Zelda's beautiful (yet again, for me anyways), and the controls are just lovely (though the wolf just isn't as fun as human, FOR ME ANYWAYS (-sets on repeat-)).

Just give those developers some time.
And if Sony HAS to lower that thing's price. It's scaring off alot of the potential buyers, one including my friend. Who played my wii and wants a wii now.
right on target, ya gotta give it some time, i mean, look at some games that came out for ps2(jus an ex.)launch day, then look at them nowm totally different, they will improve....time...jus take a wii bit of time
yeah they could of improved the graphics (they kinda did lol) but then that means more money out of peoples wallets and possibly less customers....nintendo knows what its doing, the wii will be a very successful console and I beleive its already superior compared to the 360 and ps3
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Wiily Good said:
My relatives, all rather snobby, turned their nose up when I told them I was planning on getting a Wii. The only one who was interested was my 87 year old Grandad.

For Christmas when my relatives came over to my family's house, I quietly invited Grandad to have a go at bowling with out telling anyone else because I knew they'd poke fun at me and my Wii. Grandad can walk but needs a walker and he finds it hard to stand up. So he bowled sitting down by swinging his arm down beside his chair. Grandad has trouble operating his VCR, DVD player and TV but not the Wii. He picked it up what he had to do almost immediately.

Grandad was hooked and as soon as everyone saw how much fun he was having, everyone wanted a go. They all had a good laugh creating their Mii and having them compete in Wii Sports.

Now just over a week on, out of the relatives that came over for Christmas, they have bought 3 Wiis between them.

Now try and tell me that Nintendo failed or didn't do as well as they could have.

That os right people I have some snobby friends who say the Wii is rubbish because its chesap and the PS3 is good because it is expensive. They are wrong. Don't get me wrong I would like a PS3 but its too much MONEY!

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