Can sexuality be changed?

Anyone I've talked to has said that all feelings would be null and void if this happened. Maybe you're different. I like to think that's a good thing, that love is bigger than gender.

Posing as someone of the opposite gender is a turn-off to me. =/
What some people don't realize is that some "gays" aren't attracted to men, they just like taking it in the anus. This is where strap ons come in. Ahh, the memories...
Maybe in some cases, but they'd have to have something to sort of shock them into changing their morals.

Of course, the electric chair!

As for the thread, suppressive drugs can help those deny their sexuality, though it'd be a very boring life I'd imagine. Without gays gaying, heterosexuality wouldn't be so straight.
Of course you can change your sexuality.

I think it would be hilarious if, instead of being sentenced to death, die-hard Christians had the option of being brainwashed into homosexuality. They could make it a TV show. It would be called ****ing Justice. I would watch it every day after school.
I'm sure that die hard Christians being sentenced to death are already a bit too brainwashed. Assuming that they're the "God told me to" kind.
I'm sure that die hard Christians being sentenced to death are already a bit too brainwashed. Assuming that they're the "God told me to" kind.

If God told christians to be gay, would they do it?

Homosexuals could claim to be gay for God, from hallucinations or whatever. That'd be a better script for a TV show, they can share their progresses and set examples for other christians (and homosexuals)!
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I don't think so. There's nothing in the bible about pretending to being gay, at least that I'm aware of. They could uh, just go along with the whole brainwashing thing. Actually, they'd only go to hell for (their probably murders, but I'll leave that alone) having sex with another man, and I'm pretty sure you can't force people into that. Also, when it comes to it, the crazy assed Christians that are going to be sentenced to death would choose death. They'd be closer to God. I'm sure any logical person who wasn't a psychopath would pretend to be gay.

But I don't think that gay people go to hell in the first place, just throwing that out there. Waitwait, suicide too.
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