Sex with robots cumin soon (ish)

On a serious note, this would actually encourage deviancy (including the wrong kind, such as rape and such.)

That's unless they give robots rights.

But that's another issue...
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  • #32
Squall7 said:
That's unless they give robots rights.

But that's another issue...

[nerd ISM]
Its a bit like the ep of Star trek where that android (the one in the yellow) was gonna get dismantled and there was some case where by they where provin he was like a normal human
[/nerd ISM]

[otaku ISM]
Reminds me of one of the ADpolice OVAs
[/otaku ISM]

[Darkprinny ISM]
Stick it in its exhaust
Ewww robot aids
[/Darkprinny ISM]

Why anyone would want to marry one or even have sex with one is beyond me. They must obviously be detatched from the real world. If that what makes them happy though then carry on.. I guess...
This seems to be aimed at nerds who have no other means of getting a girlfriend :lol:
FRuMMaGe said:
This seems to be aimed at nerds who have no other means of getting a girlfriend :lol:


It's like saying "it's okay, you hide away in your house looking at pron on the internets 24/7, don't enter the real world, don't even bother looking nice to impress a woman, just have a robot wife.. don't be a real man".
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<<Dosnt have a girl frend
Is hard to live with
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  • #40
LevesqueIsKing said:
You can cum chill at my place whenever you want, Prinny.

Is it cold or something ?
not going to happen
A world ends 2012
B if it does happen huge protests will arrupt thus ending the world