Can sexuality be changed?

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all people are bi. there are different levels of it (depends on how much you've had to drink). some act upon it, but for the most part they will hide it and not act upon it.
exception: there are some cases that people are not turned on at all by the opposite sex (my cousin ever since she was a child, no way to tell when she was a baby).

now with that statement, its more of a preference (not including the exception).

Hey, I like you. =)

it makes them feel special and superior to use real names. as if they are important b/c they have a higher knowledge of people on the internet.

Uh, not really. I don't think it's that hard to figure it out. I don't think they'll just NOT tell you their names either. Just a personal level thing. You can be on a personal level with someone on the internet, right?
it makes them feel special and superior to use real names. as if they are important b/c they have a higher knowledge of people on the internet.
That's 'cos we are superior. :p

But seriously, it's just because we've been on this forum for ages and gotten to know each other. And it's easier to type 'Dave' into a sentence than 'AndThen?'.
I always thought sexuality was a spectrum or scale: Some may be clearly gay, some may be gay with little to some attraction to the opposite sex, some may be full on bi, some may be bi but mostly het, and some may just really clearly be het.

With this in mind I think there are far less true heterosexuals and homosexuals than suggested.

I also think there may be more female homosexuals or bisexuals than male ones. That's just off-beat speculation though.
we really cannot use labels, because every single person is different.
I skipped all the banter and went straight to the end....Basically Chromosomes. XY, XX, YY...Or something like that...If people are different, then they're diiferent, who cares. I dunno about's in them, who they are so they can't really change that.

It's not as if it isn't normal, we only associate normality with mainstream.
@rukus: Very good point!

@Brawny: So very true... Unless you HAVE met the person in real-life... Then things get weird. At least for me.
I skipped all the banter and went straight to the end....Basically Chromosomes. XY, XX, YY...Or something like that...If people are different, then they're diiferent, who cares. I dunno about's in them, who they are so they can't really change that.

It's not as if it isn't normal, we only associate normality with mainstream.
Speaking of genes, what worries me is if genetic engineering takes off and homophobic parents start asking doctors to get rid of their unborn children's supposed "gay gene" (although I doubt homosexuality is as simple as one gene).

Nitpicking: No one has a YY chromosone combination. There are some rare, unusual combinations, but there's always an X chromosone.

@Brawny: So very true... Unless you HAVE met the person in real-life... Then things get weird. At least for me.
"Hey, I know you. You're from the internet!".
Speaking of genes, what worries me is if genetic engineering takes off and homophobic parents start asking doctors to get rid of their unborn children's supposed "gay gene" (although I doubt homosexuality is as simple as one gene).

Nitpicking: No one has a YY chromosone combination. There are some rare, unusual combinations, but there's always an X chromosone.

"Hey, I know you. You're from the internet!".

YY... Dear god!! The maniless radiated from that would kill us all!!! :ee5k:
Gay gene... That's kinda glib wouldn't you say...
@rukus: Very good point!

@Brawny: So very true... Unless you HAVE met the person in real-life... Then things get weird. At least for me.

Damn, I thought the sarcasm in that post was impossible not to catch, especially considering my avatar...

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