Can sexuality be changed?

NAAHHHHHHHHHHH The Human Genome Project went for 13 years mapping all the genes to their purposes...Nahhh, science is Crap eh!

The more you know science and the deeper you study it, the more you realize we humans will never grasp what makes things tick.
The Human Genome Project did map the genes...while overlooking "junk" DNA and other things we still haven't really figured out, and which have as much of an impact as genes.
If you knew, why did you ask? ;)

I wanted to make sure. Besides Lil Wayne is from New Orleans too.
I bet that my city will rank higher this year. On January a cop killed a guy who was already sitting down and was handcuffed. On March 1 guy killed 4 cops and got away. It was turned into a manhunt after he did that. And then there's those murders that only come out on the local news.
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Yeah, somebody just got shot on Sunday. Sigh.. For some reason, I'm never aware of all these killings! This seems like a normal city to me!
You sound proud of that.

I got an A+ in Modern History. I thought I'd just put that out there. It's not exactly relevant, but I expect everyone to believe me just because I said it on a forum.

Really Generalsma dould you act anymore like a child if you tried? Does this petition mean anything to you? You comments remind me of the person that started that.
Yeah, somebody just got shot on Sunday. Sigh.. For some reason, I'm never aware of all these killings! This seems like a normal city to me!

It's not like you are scared or something, it's just that stuff usually happens to other people that you don't know. There have been like 5 killings on 2 blocks away from my house. So do you think that gay people are attracted to violent citys? How's the gay population in your city?

I have always gotten excellent grades in my history class. I read that petition and some show got cancelled for making fun of a dead person. I feel proud coming from a city were you just can't go and write your gang signs and symbols because you get punished by thugs not the police. I'm proud that the police are scared of the people over here not vice versa.
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It's not like you are scared or something, it's just that stuff usually happens to other people that you don't know. There have been like 5 killings on 2 blocks away from my house. So do you think that gay people are attracted to violent citys? How's the gay population in your city?

Perhaps gay people are actually just attracted to you and Twilight Hero.
The gays are either full-out homo and not afraid to show it or gay on the down-low. I have a gay friend!! LOL I try to avoid him. Well, since I graduated I probably won't see him again.
The gays are either full-out homo and not afraid to show it or gay on the down-low. I have a gay friend!! LOL I try to avoid him. Well, since I graduated I probably won't see him again.

I swear in god if any fag tells me that he has a crush on me I will knock him out. I'm not ****ing playing with that. When an ugly chick tells her friends to tell you that she likes you is different but when it's a dude it's just disgusting.

Twilight you probably shouldn't be seen with that gay guy around. Just don't see him because it will make people think that you are gay.
I swear in god if any fag tells me that he has a crush on me I will knock him out. I'm not ****ing playing with that. When an ugly chick tells her friends to tell you that she likes you is different but when it's a dude it's just disgusting.

Twilight you probably shouldn't be seen with that gay guy around. Just don't see him because it will make people think that you are gay.

Be careful of what you say, because at some point we all swallow our words. And twilight would be less of a man if he was afraid people would think him gay.
People who worry about that are only showing they have no confidence in their sexuality and are afraid of becoming what they were taught to fear.
Give me a camera, a condom, and a hot lady and I will show you how gay I might be.
@Anax I know what they say but it's not in my case. I won't ever turn gay. How could you be gay living in a world full of beautiful women?
Give me a camera, a condom, and a hot lady and I will show you how gay I might be.
@Anax I know what they say but it's not in my case. I won't ever turn gay. How could you be gay living in a world full of beautiful women?

I know my psychology, there's always that case of people thinking stuff never happens to them. People turn gay, die in car crashes, get AIDS and cancer, but due to some bias everyone feels it would not happen to them.

Also, having wild sex doesn't mean you're not gay. Several people, especially living in an environment like yours, are likely to repress it by being especially aggressive and passionate with women. But eventually it becomes clear.

I'm not saying you're necessarily gay, I'm just telling you to be careful because life is ironic and it's better for you to be open minded than to suffer if the tables turn on you.

edit: just like there are beautiful women, there are also attractive men. It works both ways.
I swear in god if any fag tells me that he has a crush on me I will knock him out. I'm not ****ing playing with that. When an ugly chick tells her friends to tell you that she likes you is different but when it's a dude it's just disgusting.

Again, you seem to think a gay person might actually be attracted to you, and you seem to think that knocking him out is the answer. This is called assault and is against the law. Try to understand that.

Twilight you probably shouldn't be seen with that gay guy around. Just don't see him because it will make people think that you are gay.

Yes, hanging around gay people makes people think YOU are gay. My boss has a gay assistant, he must be gay also. I am sure he wasn't hired based on skill and his extensive knowledge of his area of work.
@Anax do you like guys?

I wont become gay trust me.

No, I'm heterosexual, but I am open minded to other people's lifestyles, and expect them to be equally open minded.

And again, it's not really telling you you'll become gay, it's just a general warning of watching what you say before it bounces back at you.

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