Can sexuality be changed?

LOL general stop confusing them,cursed translators we aren't safe. -_-*
We dont have to stop the gay population.

Leave them to do what you want, and let them leave you do what you want.

The day they retaliate by gang arse-raping guys over there would almost be funny.
We dont have to stop the gay population.

Leave them to do what you want, and let them leave you do what you want.

The day they retaliate by gang arse-raping guys over there would almost be funny.

Yeah it would be funny ,for us since they would be almost instantly killed,but that's a different topic now isn't it?
I pretty much doubt that rappers will come out of the closet. Have any of you even seen how many ladies are in the music videos? I bet that there aren't any love songs dedicated to gays. I listen to rap and r&b all day so I should know if rappers are becoming gay or not.
@Envek don't worry about translaters. The major spoken lsnguage of wiichat is english, french, then Spanish and Asian languages. You are the one who started speaking Spanish to me to begin with :) Tu comensastes Envek.
If I'm lower than cockroaches then what's this ^?
Twilight I disagree with you on that part were the gays shouldn't live because if there are no gays then who will we make fun of? The only useful thing that gays are known for are decorating your house and being hairstylists. Let's PM each other and make fun of them :) You guys are lucky that you don't live in Colombia you don't want to know what they do to the gays over there :hand:

Whoa, I haven't finished reading this discussion, but as soon as I read this I just had to say...what the f*** do you know?!?!?

I'm a proud Colombian and I can tell you that in my country, which although still suffering from latino machismo and prejudices, we still don't sink as low as americans when it comes to disrespecting people who are different.
Our war and our problems are due to political ignorance, not due to the ignorance of Americans that fill them with fear and make them act like retards. And when foreigners, just to add something else, come to our country we treat them like they should be treated, and that's why most people who go to Colombia fall in love with it.

Colombians >>>>> Americans. Colombia still struggles with war, but our lifestyle and freedoms are much more human and moral than that of Americans. I respect your country because I have gotten several good opportunities here, but it is because of this that I still cannot fully respect all its citizens.

edit: ok, finished reading the discussion and got this to add.

The example you quoted is one incident. Incidently, can you guess how many such incidents the American news don't talk about?
Have you heard of the sh!t your military does?

Also, just so everyone here knows, it is well known that the most homophobic people are often repressing their own homosexuality. They were misled by parents and by crap prejudices so they rationalize their anxiety for hate.
And yes, it's because of people like you this world is crap. You may not throw a stone, you may not do anything or say anything yourself. But the fact is, you allow crap like this to happen where you live, and not only that but you cheer for it to happen and treat it like a game. It's sick, and it's the same kind of attitude that allowed crap like the holocaust and genocides in the Balkans and Africa. I hope you change your attitude soon before you pay for it like you should at this moment, because everyone pays for their actions.
God, I hope you fall in love with a guy just so you learn what it's like to be in someone else's shoes. And so you suffer what you let other people suffer.
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Ever heard of the rapper Sissy Nobby?

Oh and Wednesday is considered opposite day, so all the gay people turn straight on that day. xD ...And vice versa. O_O
XD LMFAO good one real-o!
you deserve an award.
general give real-o an award!
I got straight A's at school. Yep, I so totally did.

I love how people believe that gay people are attracted to ALL members of their sex. And yet, you wouldn't be thinking that every female was attracted to you. Or maybe you would, you are very ignorant after all.

Seriously, what do you people think, that a gay person is going to come over and try and rape you? "I'm tolerant as long as they leave me alone." Does this mean you'd neve consider working with one, talking to a gay? I'm not entirely sure of the meaning here of "leave me alone". What do you actually expect they are going to do?
This thread is full of fail.

I'm not gay, and it would suck pretty hard if my children ended up gay. I believe heterosexuality is the way to go (women are just way too hot =D), and when a gay guy comes on to me, I instinctively want to punch him in the face.

But do I hate gays? No. Do I make fun of them? No. Will I disown a family member if he/she goes gay? No. Why? Because it's pointless to do any of that.

I understand and respect those who are brought up in areas where there is zero gay tolerance, but there really is no reason to react to them with violence. That's why gay rights movements are started, and all those other extreme measures. All it does is perpetuate the issue.

If someone really wanted to minimize homosexuality, blatantly disregarding their basic human rights with things like violence wouldn't be the way to do it. For those who don't think this is true, well, it's your loss.
I got straight A's at school. Yep, I so totally did.

I love how people believe that gay people are attracted to ALL members of their sex. And yet, you wouldn't be thinking that every female was attracted to you. Or maybe you would, you are very ignorant after all.

Seriously, what do you people think, that a gay person is going to come over and try and rape you? "I'm tolerant as long as they leave me alone." Does this mean you'd neve consider working with one, talking to a gay? I'm not entirely sure of the meaning here of "leave me alone". What do you actually expect they are going to do?

Well honestly I don't like being bothered so gay or not,you will get on my nerves.
Still no need to get so serious because others post and you read,talking to everyone.
Wait a sec who am I kidding,I don't have a reason in particular,but I don't see gays as another race or anything like that,but I just don't like them ok,Geez pick on a kid why don't you.
EDIT:Bio has a point,now I feel bad ;_; ↓_↓ argh.
what to do,what to do?
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You are not helping Real-o (LOL :) ) but I don't care if people find out what it means cuz Spanish is spoken by a lot of countries. Nice translating site. I will learn how to insult the gays in other languages now. Thanks Real-o you were helpful afterall.
@Anax- With respect and all that was a documentary that I saw on the news. It's not like everyone in Colombia hates gays (I doubt it) but that is what the military did. I saw it on Univision (it's a TV channel no need for translation). I know about city and country steriltypes. I'm Mexican and live in the 4th most violent city in the US for 2008.
It must be hard for you to retain info. It was only 2 yers ago for you...But little longer for me...So Umm..Basically, XX female XY male...Then I think it's XXY which would most likely mean that they're more feminine males? Then there's also XYY, which is the big buff angry men, like...supermen. Not with the powers. Then there can be an XX male and an XY female, when the chromosomes may become damaged.
Well honestly I don't like being bothered so gay or not,you will get on my nerves.
Still no need to get so serious because others post and you read,talking to everyone.
Wait a sec who am I kidding,I don't have a reason in particular,but I don't see gays as another race or anything like that,but I just don't like them ok,Geez pick on a kid why don't you.

And just how old are you?
And please define "being bothered", because clearly you are a kid if you get "bothered" when another human being talks to you. You clearly have no experience in real life.

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