Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

my friend code reply to my email to tell me yours

my friend code is 288918748850 im usually on at 4.30-6.00 british time
im 2 prestige lvl 44 make sure you all add me

mw name 21egroeg

eamail address:
my name is snowball my fc is 3849-3285-5079 im almost on 24 / 7 either email me at or send me a private message of your friend code bcuz i dont know how to view comments or whatever just messages by the way im ranked major so far
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RP Criminal

I just got Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex for the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing! The multiplayer in it is even more amazing than World At War's. But besides that, I'm looking for friend codes is anyone is ever interested in playing. My name on it is Beret and my friend code is:

Be sure to leave your friend codes here if you're interested. I'm also part of a Call Of Duty Clan that does regular battles and also has alot of people who are members and play alot! :wiimote:

A wats up my fc is 3233 7701 1370and if u have skype my name is criminal220
neeeeeeeeeeeeeed friends help!!!!!!!!!

ive got loads of friends but none of them play much
details about me.
country: England
MW and WaW name: 21egroeg
When i play: 4-6 (usually)
MW lvl: 2 prestige lvl 46 / WaW lvl ?? dont know as i dont play much but just got bouncing bettys
glitches: lots of glitches there is 1 really cool 1 but u need to be my friend first.(MW glitches only)
MW K/D: 0.94 WaW K/D: O.75 around there i think
MW kill streak: 26 or 25 ive forgoten i think 26 mostly. WaW kill streak: around 11 i think
avg. kills a game: mw:15 WaW:10
favourite game type:MW 1st headquarters,2nd search and destroy and 3rd sabotage WaW: all
MW fc : 288918748850
if any1 wants more info about me pm me or if you want to be my friend pm or email me at and tell me your info

preferably email please...... but dont mind pm.
okay remember all this. :yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::y esnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:
Hello, this is the leader of the [RUS] clan. (
I am looking to recruit more members, specifically by time zones. I am in California PST, I have members in Pennsylvania, EDT, and Germany. So, if you fit in these time zones, you will make a great addition. Yes, we would like a good player to join. But we all go through experiences and get better as we play more. So, either go to the website or you may e-mail me:

a Яussiaп/[RUS]Russian -- Leader of the [RUS] clan
7th Prestige
2.26 Kill/Death Ratio
31 Killstreak
My friend code is 410015895417 i've added the last five peoples friend codes if they actually posted them

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