Hey everyone,
I have little friend codes. Here is mine: 0113-5286-1768. I am currently on the 7th prestige. I am working my way up to the 8th. Personally, I like the 8th prestige badge, so I am stopping there. I do not glitch at all!! For one, I don't know how; two, glitches always put you in a vulnerable spot. I only use tricks and skill. So, you can add me if you want to. If you are considering to join my little clan of "Suppressed-Weapons Shooters," e-mail me for my clan tag, and I will show you a trick I've not seen others do. (This trick is not posted on YouTube by anyone, and I don't plan on "exposing" it.)
sorry guys bout not adding you guys im at my grandman house for the summer and is not going to be back till august some time i will add add of you later.