Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes


I always have wanted to play CoD Modern Warfare but I don`t have enough good computer to run it or PS3/Xbox360. Hopefully I have Wii and I love it. :D I`m going to ask, is it recommended to buy Modern Warfare Reflex for Wii? Hows the controls are, does this game have ragdoll effects and how about gameplay. I really don`t care about graphics.
I just got Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex for the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing! The multiplayer in it is even more amazing than World At War's. But besides that, I'm looking for friend codes is anyone is ever interested in playing. My name on it is Beret and my friend code is:

Be sure to leave your friend codes here if you're interested. I'm also part of a Call Of Duty Clan that does regular battles and also has alot of people who are members and play alot! :wiimote:
name: '''
I also play , my friend code is: 312-712-282-370
wats up ... my name is austin... my online name for modern warfare is *bird*. ne 1 that wants to add me the fc is056216780863. if u added me leave urs im normally always on
Hey everyone,
I have little friend codes. So, I am allowing anyone soon to take my friend code when I post it up. I am currently on the 7th prestige. I am working my way up to the 8th. Personally, I like the 8th prestige badge, so I am stopping there. I do not glitch at all!! I only do tricks and that's it! E-mail me for my friend code. If I accept you, then you join my "clan" and I will tell you some trick that even I have not seen others do...
anybody want to help me start a clan pm me if you are interested my fc is 340272292796
My Fc:3755-8515-5515 When someone adds me can u say who u are and give me ur Code?

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