Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

No, if your active, people tend to notice you.
I know who Napalmbrain is. Guess how?

@nb-I lost 2,800, 700 rep and my farkin' name.
I think admins and moderators as well as other staff should have an icon... something that looks like this:

(Under custom user title)

I'm sure that over time the mushrooms will be brought back. Personally I've always been for colored user names. For example, colored user names for staff and the news team.
I'm sure that over time the mushrooms will be brought back. Personally I've always been for colored user names. For example, colored user names for staff and the news team.

That works well.
Oh I thought those mushrooms were optional thingys, I though I could of put one on too lol

Nope. i0n had them put on. The same goes for the custom moderator statuses. i0n changes our status and we can't edit it. Otherwise I'd still have "That Canucks Fan" up there.
Gee, I hadnt thought about that[/sarcasm]

Um alright? I wasn't sure seeing as hundreds of people were doing what you were (whining about their name not being changed) yesterday thinking i0n was going to answer everyone's prayers. If you did PM him just wait it out. He kind of has his hands full at the moment..
I really don't see what the problem is with the new layout.

I like it, it's a nice change yet it is similar enough to the old one that I'm already used to it.
Homepage is nice. But looks like your gonna have your hands full even more now, keepin it up to date.
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Thanks guys, cant tell if the site is lagging like hell or if it's my proxy :(

Anyway, yeah the news update are going to as constant as possible, should be fun :)

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