Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

It'd be great if you could make the old Wiichat skins as optional in our User Control Panels, this current skin is just.. really unsightly from my artistic point of view. Doesn't make it feel like the Wiichat I grew to love.

Feels like I'm somewhere else.
It'd be great if you could make the old Wiichat skins as optional in our User Control Panels, this current skin is just.. really unsightly from my artistic point of view. Doesn't make it feel like the Wiichat I grew to love.

Feels like I'm somewhere else.

I second this.
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  • #183
Welcome back everyone, great to see all the regular faces turning up :)

Sorry to those who've lost posts/friends/info :(

Wow, seeing all this makes me think what will happen once the Wii 2 or whatever is out.

i0n, do you have any plans of what will happen to the site when the Wii is in past generation? Just wondering; sorry if you've already said it.

Been working on the next-next generation consoles for over 12 months now, have things in place for new Wii, Xbox and PS4 - but it's still a looong way off.

More than likely this place will remain what it is now for the Wii console, my first thought was to allow sharing of user profiles/logins with a secondary Wii 2 site.

That way you would be able to carry across your login info and profiles.

Hopefully the review sections and news section get brought back/replaced and get put time into them again to make them good.

I found those to be two good additions to WiiChat.

Yup, the Wii news section is going to play a much bigger role on the site. The reviews section was a little chaotic, i'll be working to integrate a much cleaner and more useful review section.

You should start to see these changes in the next 24-48 hours :)
For us newbies, it deleted us completely, like we never existed. It took me a minute to figure out why my log in and password didn't work. But I'm back and ready to go. the only bad thing is my newbie friends haven't made their way back yet. On the good side, I did get a chance to read some old messages I wouldn't have dug this deep to read, and gives some idea of what things were like nearly a year ago. anyway, glad things are straightened out and the site is back. From what I have seen, this is the best Wii Board out there. BTW I like the new skin, but then I wans't here long enough to get that used to the old skin either.
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  • #186
Sorry you've had to start from scratch bro :(

There's still a number of users who cant yet access the domain, hopefully that'll correct itself over the next 24 hours and we'll start to see more members logging in :)

For us newbies, it deleted us completely, like we never existed. It took me a minute to figure out why my log in and password didn't work. But I'm back and ready to go. the only bad thing is my newbie friends haven't made their way back yet. On the good side, I did get a chance to read some old messages I wouldn't have dug this deep to read, and gives some idea of what things were like nearly a year ago. anyway, glad things are straightened out and the site is back. From what I have seen, this is the best Wii Board out there. BTW I like the new skin, but then I wans't here long enough to get that used to the old skin either.
Welcome back everyone, great to see all the regular faces turning up :)

Sorry to those who've lost posts/friends/info :(

Been working on the next-next generation consoles for over 12 months now, have things in place for new Wii, Xbox and PS4 - but it's still a looong way off.

More than likely this place will remain what it is now for the Wii console, my first thought was to allow sharing of user profiles/logins with a secondary Wii 2 site.

That way you would be able to carry across your login info and profiles.

Yup, the Wii news section is going to play a much bigger role on the site. The reviews section was a little chaotic, i'll be working to integrate a much cleaner and more useful review section.

You should start to see these changes in the next 24-48 hours :)

Awesome, that's great then.

I like the idea for the next generation consoles too, I think carrying stuff over to a new forum would be cool or just maintain this one here.
I'm just glad WiiChat's back up and running. Can't wait to see what new updates are in store!

The reviews section was a little chaotic, i'll be working to integrate a much cleaner and more useful review section.
Nice! This is just what I wanted, there are tons of games that deserve reviewing. I'm excited to start reviewing games! Only thing I'm sad about is the loss of all my rep. Now I know how Samus feels at the beginning of all the Prime games...
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Please keep post counts off at least. I think it looks better without them.

Edit: Congrats to Eagles for promo and [strike]Syntax[/strike] Sticky for coming back
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I thought the skin was ugly, because my pc setting were on really bright so I couldn't see the greyish silver it was all white, till I fixed it... Looks good :)
My only complaint I can say is the loss of the Wiichat Brawl League. I might have the majority the rules backed up.

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