Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

Very well organized homepage i0n

New House Of The Dead: Overkill Gameplay Video that game looks sick !

We could make a thread where we put any wii news updates suitable for the homepage, then you can pick some of them.
Just a thought to help you
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Anyway, yeah the news update are going to as constant as possible, should be fun :)

Heh, sorry again about leaving the team but I'm sure you'll find more people.
Thanks guys, cant tell if the site is lagging like hell or if it's my proxy :(

Anyway, yeah the news update are going to as constant as possible, should be fun :)

It's not lagging for me.
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  • #231
Also for the comments on the blog, if you register your email address with you can have an avatar display.

In time the comments will be integrated with the forum, but that might take another week or so - (not too high on the todo list).
Also for the comments on the blog, if you register your email address with you can have an avatar display.

In time the comments will be integrated with the forum, but that might take another week or so - (not too high on the todo list).

How. do. you. feel. about. a. second. admin?
Seriously, how much are you making off this thing, and why can't you even give some reason other than selfishness as to why hiring another responsible admin has just been skipped over.
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  • #236
Seriously, how much are you making off this thing, and why can't you even give some reason other than selfishness as to why hiring another responsible admin has just been skipped over.

I dont see the need to add another admin?

With the current setup, new banning options (ip related) can be assigned to super mods.
Banning people has never, never been a problem, i0n. We know you're going to leave again. We know that the site is going to be incapable of improving. We know that bugs won't be able to be fixed. So why not appoint an administrator? All the moderators within this thread and the majority of the other members are in full support of the idea.
I dont see the need to add another admin?

With the current setup, new banning options (ip related) can be assigned to super mods.

Not now, and IP banning will help, but when you decide to take a few months off, leave a note?

Is the reporting feature fixed? I'd take fixing that over any aesthetic upgrades.

Seriously, when will you shutup?

When I'm dignified with even a kind of answer.
i0n, why don't you just hire someone who you trust enough? I'm sure you can limit his/her access of the Admin control panel. It would be great if you appoint a second administrator.
Seriously, when will you shutup?

He's raising a valid point, every other time i0n has promised us something he's completely disappeared - and I don't think that anyone in their right mind will believe that he's active around this place. He pretty much has to prove himself orr... he can go back to sit on his mounds of money. He didn't backdate this until MARCH, it should be done way more often than that.

Also, he ignored all of the other comments about a second admin, despite many people being in favour of it.

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