Book Reccomendations & What are you reading?

last books i read were

harry potter 5&6

i wanno read a book but i dont know any good ones

recommendations any1
I don't generally read, in fact, I don't read. Thankfully, I got blessed with a good book I had to read for my GCSE's, and that was Lord of the Flies by William Golding, it was simple, yes, but damn it had meaning.
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zeon9881 said:
last books i read were

harry potter 5&6

i wanno read a book but i dont know any good ones

recommendations any1

Terry Pratchett - Guards Guards (although reading his discworld series in order would make a lot more sense but Guards Guards is the best in my opinion).

Or Jim Butcher - Storm Front (First book of the Dresden files - kind of like harry potter but with mature teens/adults in mind - buffy-esque)

Or David Gemmell - Troy Lord of the silver bow
David Gemmell - Legend

Basing these recommendations by your previous books.
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Right now i'm reading the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale. those books are awesome. I also recommend the Artemis Fowl Series and even The Series of Unfortunate Events. Even though the movie for it sucked, the books are way better.

Currently waiting for the final harry potter book to come out

Quality book. Filled with useless infomation you don't need to know, but is fun to know.
Wiired said:

Quality book. Filled with useless infomation you don't need to know, but is fun to know.

I Love that book, I remember you posted a pic of yourself with that book in the background:lol:
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami

It reads like a waking dream -- surreal and absurd. Fun stuff. I highly recommend any of his stuff. Beautiful writing.
i only read books by two authors
1) dan brown-amazingly genious, but all his books are the same
2) j.k. rowling-i bet you all know the deal with her
read all their books up to date
I'm a quarter through "My War" by Andy Rooney and tonight I'm starting a book called "Mafia Kingfish" by John Davis.
J.k Rowling who is she
The dinner lady at my shcool
Kiddin on I know she wrote lord of the rings
mushroomedmario said:
i only read books by two authors
1) dan brown-amazingly genious, but all his books are the same
2) j.k. rowling-i bet you all know the deal with her
read all their books up to date
Dan Brown is an idiot.

I'm currently reading Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman.

I like anything by Jim Butcher, author of The Dresden Files series and the Codex Alera series.

Fight Club was good too.
Frogger said:
I don't generally read, in fact, I don't read. Thankfully, I got blessed with a good book I had to read for my GCSE's, and that was Lord of the Flies by William Golding, it was simple, yes, but damn it had meaning.

I read that too for GCSE :D I was soo sad when Roger threw the rock on piggy and he died lol and the conch shell shattered - symbolism of the break down of society :D + Jack reminded me of Draco Malfoy so I liked him lol.

The best books ever are Harry Potter...but the Tiffany Aching books by Terry Prachett are good too and soon I am gonna read Eragon + Eldest.
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If you like Fight club check out "Survivor". Thats Chucky P's best book! (again in my opinion).
Interestlingly Chuck Phalaniuk (spelling?) says fight club the film is better than the book - I agree. Not often a film is better than the book...

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