New to like Dynasty Warriors...and other quetions...


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2006
Hello all. Like many of the threads I have read, I am a new Wii owner who wanted to get a few GC games. I know this type of question has been asked several times (and I did read the threads), but I had more specfic questions other than "what are the best GC games of all time." So, I thought I'd start a new thread.

First, from the title, is there a game on GC that is like the Dynasty Warriors franchise? I know it's silly, but I love the whole one-person-versus-army situation. I browsed amazon and saw "Spartan." It sounded a bit like DS, is it? Any other recommendations? Or maybe a good hack-n-slash game like LOTR - Return of the King was?

I also like historically based storylines.....Rome, WW2, Egypt, etc. Any recs for this? "Prince of Persia" any good? "Eternal Darkness" caught me eye...yes/no?

Finally, I've enjoyed FPS games ever since Goldeneye, but I haven't found an FPS game that comes close. Any games on GC I should look at?

The other games I currently plan on buying are MK DOubledash, Mario Soccer, and Super Smash Bros. Based on the type of games I said I like in this post, am I leaving out any major game?

Thanks in advance for the responses!
Big yes for Eternal Darkness. It was probably one of the best titles to grace the system. Also,whether or not you like the series, Resident Evil 4 is up there with the console's best. As far as FPS's go just don't expect Goldeneye and you'll be happily surprised. Timesplitters 2 and Timesplitters: Future Perfect are both very fun FPS's and developed by a lot of the same people that did Goldeneye so they have a similar feel. Finally, Ikaruga. Even if you think you'd hate it, you have to try it.
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Thanks WiiDS. I think I'll have to add Eternla Darkness and RE4 to the list. I think I'll try out the others if I can rent them.

one quick question about RE4: Is the story independent enough to stand on its own or do you have to play the other games in the series to appreciate it?

If it counts for anything, I saw the RE movies. :smilewinkgrin:
there was actually a dynasty warriors style game for gamecube by koei themselves although it was more nintendo like. it was called Mystic Heroes i have yet to play it ,but can be had for 10 bux on EBgames.

Eternal Darkness is great also from same developers is the Metal Gear Solid remake

Resident Evil 4 plays nothing like the others in the series which is why its so good

For FPS's i'd look into Geist its pretty unique also don't forget about the 2 Metroid Prime games. Lets also not forget about Star Fox Assault.
GaGo said:
Thanks WiiDS. I think I'll have to add Eternla Darkness and RE4 to the list. I think I'll try out the others if I can rent them.

one quick question about RE4: Is the story independent enough to stand on its own or do you have to play the other games in the series to appreciate it?

If it counts for anything, I saw the RE movies. :smilewinkgrin:

RE4 was a large and strange departure from the RE story line. Granted you play as one of the main characters from the second installment it comes off as its own game as opposed to an extension to the story. I wouldn't worry too much about it because its addictively fun either way.

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