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  • #16
well, it could be spit. It looks like Link's sword didn't even come close to the enemy!
Ooze33 said:
well, it could be spit. It looks like Link's sword didn't even come close to the enemy!
1. Link Slashes
2. Hits monster
4. Repeat process until enemy is dead.
5. Collect items/rupees from monster
6. Be happy.

idk maybe the monster just recoiled backwards, its possible.
and how does spit go out of the side of your mouth anyways if you were trying to spit forward?
Cause if that plant was trying to spit it at Link he's doing a horrible job of doing so....
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well, he could of hit the enemy causing it to go backwards causing it to spit
okay, you know what? It's just NOT BLOOD!!!! hahahahahha....I'm 99% sure it's not blood...and the plant's spit has always been green..that's just the way it is

thanks to ooze for backin me up here,..and if your not actually backing me up, thanks for making it seem like your backing me
Ooze33 said:
well, he could of hit the enemy causing it to go backwards causing it to spit
well thats a possibility too
i suggest we just wait until we play the game
thats when we'll really know for sure
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Yeah, I was about 2 put this question would probably be easier to answer if the game was out!
I am so glad that there will be blood in tp because it is kinda cool so see some blood in a zelda game for once. I wonder can you slice people heads off in TP? (That would be cool)
Zaine06 said:
I am so glad that there will be blood in tp because it is kinda cool so see some blood in a zelda game for once. I wonder can you slice people heads off in TP? (That would be cool)
then it would be rated M
not T
i think it would just be weird to have an M rated Zelda game...idk it could very well just destroy the whole Zelda Franchise if they did do something like that...
About decapitating people, a "no-no" (although I'm generally the sort for more realism in my games), but chopping off parts of enemies, i.e. the mummified/zombie ones (Gibdos) from OoT/MM, because they are already dead. Would just add to the feel of actually slicing/slashing your enemies, because you can see what your doing with each succesful slash, i.e. removing the Knights armour in WW with slashes about its person.
KaDee said:
About decapitating people, a "no-no" (although I'm generally the sort for more realism in my games), but chopping off parts of enemies, i.e. the mummified/zombie ones (Gibdos) from OoT/MM, because they are already dead. Would just add to the feel of actually slicing/slashing your enemies, because you can see what your doing with each succesful slash, i.e. removing the Knights armour in WW with slashes about its person.

I Think Yer Talking About ReDeads...*shudder* Oh Man, I Hate Them!:scared:
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
I Think Yer Talking About ReDeads...*shudder* Oh Man, I Hate Them!:scared:

yeh thats the ones, ReDeads and Gibdos. There annoying if you walk into a bunch of them, when you keep freezing in fear.
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Ooze33 said:
but what would make it animated...........

Jeez, it is sad that you can't figure out something so obvious.

Animated = Graphics
Animated Blood = There is a graphic for blood that might be used in game or in a movie.

Umm... The fact that it's not real, and it's in a fictional game? >.> I'm sorry, but I'm growing to dislike many a person on this forum, for the lack of their IQ.

I agree with you. :lol:
Hey, Kumoriken and Kherrek508, there is no need to quit because of a couple of idjits on the forum. There are plenty of smart guys like...oh I don't know, me?
Either way, Zaine06, you are incredibly violent. Nintendo is trying to create perhaps the best Zelda game of all time! And all you can think about is combining grand theft auto (a low class, simulator, which is worse) and Zelda!

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