i want to play online

Toastie said:
heh Zelda is an extremely violent game. You can smack someone in the face with your shield and then slash them to death. Blood doesn't = violence.

Red steel has lots of swearing in it in Japanese.

Batallion Wars 2, is really nice cell shaded cartoon violence with artistic style, it will be online, and in my humble opinion will be the best online shooter in a good long while.

As has been pointed out anyway M rating does not make a good game, nor does it really make a mature game, I think Zelda is a much more mature game than say GTA san andreas. Zeldas characters are real, you feel for them. There is a lot of sword based violence in Zelda. The violence in GTA feels more cartoony than Megaman.

Just an example really but as another one I know they are completely different again but Metroid feels a lot more mature to me than Halo. It is a harder game to play with more objective based gameplay.

That is though not to say that the 360 doesm't have it's merits, yes it is the best online console. If you are uninterested with nintendo's ip's and just want purely online play and can't wait to see what nintys is like in march then get a 360, you will probably love it.

Personally I love my Wii too much.

Lol gonna have to burst your bubble on that point, there aren't any swear words in the japanese language. People often subtitle things to make them seem more dramatic than they actually are.

Also on a side note, will online play have mic capabilities?
ivandb said:
i want too shoot people online play gta and stuff i think il sell my wii and get 360 sick of these nintendo childgames had a cube only GUN was oke again no blood COD3 fingercut off blood we want more 18 rated games:wtf:
learn how to form a sentence, then start complaining.
LMAO This is hilarious. I just noticed how many errors he has in his sentence. He believes we're talking about him speaking complete proper english. No...we're just looking for UNDERSTANDABLE English. I mean "i think il sell my wii and get 360 sick of these nintendo childgames had a cube only GUN was oke". WTF is that?! :confused: ROFLMFAO. And the worst I've seen: "no blood COD3 fingercut off blood." Right about now...I think you're the dumbest person I've seen on the WiiChat forums...and there has been some great potential around here, but you'd probably have to take the title.
psyichic said:
I strongly suggest that you improve your grammar. Not only does it make it very hard to understand what you are saying but it also makes you look extremely immature.

On a side note I don't understand why everyone is so dead set on getting extremely violent games onto the Wii. They have CoD3 and Red Steel but apparently those aren't good enough because they are not rated M.

Oh and just because games don't have curse words being thrown every 5 seconds and blood shooting everywhere does not automatically make it a "childgame". I know quite a few people in thier 30's who still play Zelda, my father even enjoys happy feet.

So please think through your own post before you post and don't come up with these ideas in your head that any game that lacks an M rating is a child's game.

Not to mention as ive already said if you have a need for an FPS fix then grab either red steel or CoD3.


I am 16 and welcome blood n' guts but come on it doesn't make a good game..
Actually, I like being able to play a game where my parents could walk into my room at any given time and me not have to hide anything.

Most "M" games, use alot of cursing, and they can because they just slap that "M" up there. And suggestive themes.

Not at all parent-friendly.

Even as I first cranked up Red Steel, my parents perked up a few eyebrows when they heard about 5 cursing words in a matter 10 or so minutes. (But thy found it funny that the people trying to kill me would say, "Murderer!" after I kill them.. OH THE IRONY!)


In due time, in due time. Maybe game developers see if they make a game with CRAZY GOOD online goodies, people will buy it. And with the recent ease of getting hooked up wtih a usb wi-fi, many more can get online (such as me), which means, more people will pay for a good game that has good online.

Super Smash Brothers being one of them (But maybe I'm exaggerating, unless they think of alot of different vs modes.)

I wouldn't mind playing Red Steel online, though I'd get my hind end served to me on a rust covered platter.
WiiMemo said:
Lol gonna have to burst your bubble on that point, there aren't any swear words in the japanese language.

There may be no direct translations of English curses to Japanese curses but each culture has it's own variation of "the swear". For example: My friend who is Vietnamese said the equivalent of the f-word in Vietnamese translates to "I hope that you trip".

Each culture has it's own way of using swears. Just because they do not translate directly into our own way of saying things does not mean that it is not necessarily a swear.

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