Anime Association

Major Tom said:
It would be if I bothered to even care what FE + C makes.

so then why are you posting in the thread?

look to the periodic table there you will find your answer, for anyone who is bothered :rolleyes:
chach said:

First word= Fe + C

erm... feces? o_O I do not want to imagine any anime dealing with this.
Secumfex said:
erm... feces? o_O I do not want to imagine any anime dealing with this.

I just said look at the periodic table, and youll know what Fe and C stand for, but you are probally 11.
Lol Ferum and Carbon, you're just not funny at all.
chach said:
Close Fe is actually Iron i would demand more from your shitty school, or maybe your just not smart.

Maybe you just didn't include the fact that I'm German and I give a **** about English terms for chemical elements. If you had brain you would have easiely figured out, that Ferum nothing else is than Iron. I thought of editing it in for you ten minutes ago, but I was sure you would have understood it this way. Well, my bad.

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