Banjo Kazooie and Tooie on Virtual Console?

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Rare? probably aint going to happen
m$ basically offered a treaty with nintendo
then nintendo said: wed rather have people buy the wii and extra accessories and games than one of our competitors consoles
after that, i dont think m$ will be letting up anything

@ wiizero, just cause you dont use all the buttons of the controller dosent mean it would suck =/
I know it could still be good but a lot of times you feel the game doesn't have enough depth and thinking back on Banjo-Kazooie it did use a lot of buttons could be good

what do you mean about that treaty thing
WiiZero said:
I know it could still be good but a lot of times you feel the game doesn't have enough depth and thinking back on Banjo-Kazooie it did use a lot of buttons could be good

what do you mean about that treaty thing
m$ stated something along the lines of: the wii is a secondary purchase, you could purchase a 360 and wii, or a ps3 and wii, and you can get the 360+wii for the same price, so we reccomend having that great combo
then nintendo replied to that with what i said in that earlier post
(those werent the exact words, it was in the paper awhile ago)
Nfanboy said:
M games are CRAP and I would never play any of the latest M rated games.

Just because a game is M rated doesn't mean it is good.

All there is in M rated games is killing.

Some of the best games are rated M. Metal Gear Solid 3, God of War, Resident Evil 4, Twisted Metal Black, and many others for example.

Just because there are no rated M Nintendo games doesn't mean they all suck, you ignorant fanboy.

Don't give me this crap that there's nothing wrong with being a fanboy because I already agree. However there's something wrong with being a fanboy who doesn't know crap and acts like they do which I'm sorry, but that's you.

The only reason you think M games suck is because you only play on Nintendo consoles which hardly have any of the good ones. However there have been some good M games on Nintendo consoles, a big one is Resident Evil 4.

I hope I've made you feel differently towards them, and that you don't reply to avoid further embarrassment for yourself.
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Suprised that made it past ESRB they are usually pretty good about finding all the secrets
Nfanboy said:
M games are CRAP and I would never play any of the latest M rated games.

Just because a game is M rated doesn't mean it is good.

All there is in M rated games is killing.
Nfanboy said:
You people GET A LIFE.

The above poster is right, you are 5.

Instead of supporting your arguement that all M games are crap, you just hand out some generic elementary school comeback.

IMO you're no better than the people that only like M games.
m$ only care about money, there not gonna just let a competitor get a lot money off something that they own the rights to

and Nfanboy you ARE acting like your 5
qwerty32423434 said:
m$ only care about money, there not gonna just let a competitor get a lot money off something that they own the rights to

and Nfanboy you ARE acting like your 5
all companies only care about money.... :drool:
Sovieto said:
all companies only care about money.... :drool:
that was my point(and m$ has a record of not playing by the rules *cough* illegal monopoly *cough*)
and i just watched that movie how did i not notice that stuff?
qwerty32423434 said:
that was my point(and m$ has a record of not playing by the rules *cough* illegal monopoly *cough*)
and i just watched that movie how did i not notice that stuff?
really? when did they create a monopoly?
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