Ban the user above you!

Some what they are alike. Trust me. Go to a spanish catholic church and a english christian church. They are totally different besides the language of course.=P

I ban you for me not knowing your race.=P

My race? Oh, Im black. No, actually Im yellow.

But Im secretly white.

I ban you for having unreadable words in the corner of your Avatar.
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Some what they are alike. Trust me. Go to a spanish catholic church and a english christian church. They are totally different besides the language of course.=P

I ban you for me not knowing your race.=P

My race? Oh, Im black. No, actually Im yellow.

But Im secretly white.

I ban you for having unreadable words in the corner of your Avatar.
I ban you for unable to read it.xD
Banned for not having in Call of Duty games.
I ban you all!xD Except her01771.
banned for not saying why
P.S. im catholic and mexican too. cristians are completely diffrent from catholics
anybody who bannes me for that is banned for being racist :yesnod:
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