Ban the user above you!

banned for being a 09 survivor.
heck, I'm one too. *facepalm*
I ban myself for being one and not having it in my sig.

lol i dont know i got it, i cant even get rid of

Banned for not having one.
Banned for

not being a real king

WHAT THE FUDGE, MAN!!!xD You made me think my computer corrupted with that long list-errr- whatever is! You made me waste my energy with your scrolling crap! I ban you! Permanently!xD (I was just joking anyway... or waz I???>=3)Anywayyyy, of course I'm not a real king, Bowser is.;D

banned for talkin about food

? Banned for banning hero when im obviously above you.
b-anned?xD Edit before some else sees it besides

Note(For WiiChat members that mostly go on the Banned list): I can't ban DG. Nor her01771. Long story.=)
Who me?XD Just kidding. Actually, I'm Catholic. A Mexican one. Mexican-Catholics are tough than Christians... for some reason. Anyway, I ban you for existing in my presence. Tee-hee.=3 I'm beginning to feel you seem to think a long time for a 'ban' usage at me.xD
Um.....Catholics are Christians. Just not Protestants.

So.....I think you see what Im going to ban you for...Thats right, I ban you for being Mexican.
Some what they are alike. Trust me. Go to a spanish catholic church and a english christian church. They are totally different besides the language of course.=P

I ban you for me not knowing your race.=P

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