Ban the user above you!

Banned for underestimating the power of the Jigglypuff.

Double banned for having a predictable fake announcement in your signature.

Triple banned for misspelling "announcement.

Quadruple banned for calling the fake announcement Super Smash Bros. Brawl 4 instead of Super Smash Bros. 4.
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I don't watch that?


You say im a lot more serious in like very post you have made.:lol:

you fail, i was meaning it toward the blue yoshi dude.
banned for having a name i cant remember

quote next time....or say his name. Jesus

Banned cause you help me in countdown from a million
banned for not banning the user above u
i ban myself

banned for (above)
He just doesn't get it, does he? Hahahaha! You! Yeah, you. You wish you had never typed that, huh? Gamemasta; I ban you for interfering my quotes.

Banned for playing the game right.
Hey, fresh meat!:devil:

banned for having that kind of time

Hey, Johnny me boy. Where have you been?

Note: I can't ban johnny 100, DG, Her01771. Ban them and you get the ticket for me goin' Ape-turtle on you.>;D
Banned for not being as good as King DeDeDe. He will cut you with his hammer. & don't say you ate, cooked, or shredded him, 'cause he's not chicken. He's Santa Claus's penguin.
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i ban myself

banned for (above)
He just doesn't get it, does he? Hahahaha! You! Yeah, you. You wish you had never typed that, huh? Gamemasta; I ban you for interfering my quotes.

Banned for playing the game right.
Hey, fresh meat!:devil:

banned for having that kind of time

Hey, Johnny me boy. Where have you been?

Note: I can't ban johnny 100, DG, Her01771. Ban them and you get the ticket for me goin' Ape-turtle on you.>;D

banned for not being able to ban ur friends
banned for (above)
He just doesn't get it, does he? Hahahaha! You! Yeah, you. You wish you had never typed that, huh? Gamemasta; I ban you for interfering my quotes.

Hey, fresh meat!:devil:

banned for having that kind of time

Hey, Johnny me boy. Where have you been?

Note: I can't ban johnny 100, DG, Her01771. Ban them and you get the ticket for me goin' Ape-turtle on you.>;D

banned for not being able to ban ur friends

XD :lol: Nice! P.S. Ban for making me laugh.
i ban myself

banned for (above)
He just doesn't get it, does he? Hahahaha! You! Yeah, you. You wish you had never typed that, huh? Gamemasta; I ban you for interfering my quotes.

Banned for playing the game right.
Hey, fresh meat!:devil:

banned for having that kind of time

Hey, Johnny me boy. Where have you been?

Note: I can't ban johnny 100, DG, Her01771. Ban them and you get the ticket for me goin' Ape-turtle on you.>;D

o iv been playin ps3 xbox and wii(mwr on wii) i gots a 5th place cod clan so all is good, besides that, im gunna ban the guy above me for literly no reason at all

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