Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

i say 1, a tourney is much easier to organise and provides longer play, there is a MSC tourney set up already so just copy that (5min rounds, best of 5)
I prefer 2,3 or Oceanics idea. If its a straight Tourney and your having a bad day, your out! We don't have many people so we have time for a more season/round-robin orientated competition. Just my 2 cents......
Fine then , Number 1. Easy is the way to go as proven by nintendo Wifi night ala DS

Edit: Fine then, I say either 1,2,3,4 or my idea: We pick random names out of a hat and last one out wins
I prefer number 5* 'give diomedes a free copy of MSC and have a party!!!'

oh well, 2 it is then, simple. remember exams are near
yeah ive got exams in two weeks and im gonna need a whole week for study, my diplomas a whole lot harder than skool lol
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  • #233
First off nkbswe5 love the new sig although it seems awrfully familiar :lol:

Anyhoo after much disccussion with Oceanic I've decided to use his idea. So assuming most people didn't understand his original post of the idea I'll rewrite it for you. (Jsut give me a little bit to write it up)

Everyone plays off against everyone else twice (at this stage anyway may be more) and for a win you get 3 points, a loss is 1. If you aren't at your match you get no points while your opponent gets 2 points. At the end of all the matches I'll list out the points and then these finals will happen:
1st vs 2nd
3rd vs 4th
5th vs 6th
7th vs 8th
9th vs 10th

Any ranks lower than 10th won't have a final unfourtunatly just becasue well I said so ok?? The following tournamnet will take palce over a weekend. The current date is undecided as of the moment so please check back.
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Of course number 5 doesnt sound bad, thats why i mentioned it!!

It would be my shout, anyone up for grabs?
Thats the best siggy from spongebob EVA!!


oh well, using paint can be fun
It sure can be. I would copy yours but...
Time to make more!

Edit: Oops, no relevent info in this post...sorry!
Haha, my posts are always relevently informative ;)

Everyone justs loves copying my sigs, well until that stupid silly moddy came by and ruined it W A A A A A A AH !!!!!
man you auzzies ramble lol kinda glad we dont have headsets
If we had headsets it would elimintate my irrelevent posts at least...


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