Are you going to buy a ps3 because of home?

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MasterJedi2U said:
Lol 1,200 dollars of UNNECESSARY HARDWARE that might not even be here in the future. BluRay has NOT won the format wars yet. So you can't expect me to buy a product thats full of sh*t that I don't need nor want. Its a joke. I don't need it. I wouldn't pay 400 for a PS3 let alone 600 cuz its just not worth it to me. Sorry but Final Fantasy is not worth spending around 660 dollars for.
i dont like the ps3 but i will say that blue ray has a big chance to win seeing as dell made a deal with sony to put blueray drives in there computers
dsm91 said:
Man, for a "kiddie" console, there is a lot of hatred on these forums. You guys are right though, HD content on is pointless. Let's stick to 480p on our Hi-Def TVs. It's so much better than 720p, 1080i, or 1080p.

Bluray is pointless for a system like Wii because of low res textures, and only outputting to 480, plus limited sound capabiities.

I can understand where a lot of you are coming from though. Most of you are only using a Standard Def TV, so the Wii is perfect.

Zelda and kid's mini-games and no online games are not worth $300 to me. Sorry.
480p is so much better than 720p+?
please tell me your being sarcastic, its hard to tell on the inteweb
Wii&Ps3 said:
While the wii attracts little kids, or older kids who dont want to grow up.

leave it to you to spam a topic with a whole nother system.

And a pointless post at that, gj.

Go back to your pixelated girls. I cant believe how some people are with console wars, complete nerds.
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dsm91 said:
It's actually more like $870 US for the 60GB and $800 US for the 20GB to produce. Those numbers were from a CNET article sometime ago, so the cost of manufacturing has probably gone down since then.

Unnecessary hardware? Your right, Hard Drives, wireless internet, and HD content is just a fad. It's already on it's way out. Soon, we'll have cutting edge technology like B/W TVs and dial up internet connections. Plus, we'll have 512 MB of Flash memory to store all our pictures, movies, and music. The future is going to be great!

Let's face it, you'll never buy a PS3 no matter what. We get your point. Not that you have, but just try not to spread misinformation. Thanks.

Oh, and seeing how the large majority of the US still has standard def TVs, an HDMI cable is not necessary.

First off I said MIGHT not be here in the future. I'm talking about BluRay. Go ahead and pretend like its won the format war or w/e but the average consumer could care less about HD DVD or BluRay at the moment. Its NOT important to me. 2nd of all I already have a computer thank you very much. I do not need one as an extra feature to compliment playing games. I was not spreading misinformation.
MasterJedi2U said:
First off I said MIGHT not be here in the future. I'm talking about BluRay. Go ahead and pretend like its won the format war or w/e but the average consumer could care less about HD DVD or BluRay at the moment. Its NOT important to me. 2nd of all I already have a computer thank you very much. I do not need one as an extra feature to compliment playing games. I was not spreading misinformation.

Of course Bluray hasn't won. But it's looking pretty damn strong. IMO, it's the better format. Regardless of your preferences, larger storage capacity is always a good thing.

I agree with you 100% HD content is not important to the majority of consumers because the majority of consumers don't have HD TV's. And for those that do have HDTV's, a lot of them are idiots: Look here But for those of us with HD sets, there's no going back, so having that feature built in is a huge benefit. Get a HD set and all of a sudden it might be important to you too.

Sorry about the misinformation comment. In one of these Home threads you stated that Home was a copy of Mii. My bad, wrong thread.
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better a pc you can work with it xd and the same games and the blu-ray thing mmmm i think blu-ray or hd dvd format will not be used for a while =S still the computers come with cd and dvd

for that price i prefer a pc

but thats my opinion

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