Are you going to buy a ps3 because of home?

Spride said:
If you buy a PS3 in the UK (£475 with ONE game!) you better also put some money aside for the HD TV you will also need, other wise you could be looking at a blank screen! If you buy an HD TV make sure it's 1080p for the best image so in the UK that will mean another £1000+

Or stick with your Wii which will run on a £50 14" TV OR the 42" Plasma (if you have one) in the living room!!:wink:

You're an idiot. Why would you get a blank screen? Resolution isnt everything. The ps3 on an sdtv (480i) looks 100x better than any game on the wii at 480p. Graphics and resolution are not the same thing.
PtonJalken said:
hell no?

the real world is here for a reason. Ill just wait for 'the islands' for wii anyways.

home is just going to attract nerds/annoying kids/gangster nerds.

have fub. lol

While the wii attracts little kids, or older kids who dont want to grow up.
While "Home" may be good, it's free which means it could have so many problems such as Nintendo may have with their Wi-Fi. However, it is a cool feature.
Yeah If Sony do charge for the clothing on there little virtual sim thingy, then wii will prevail in that area. Which is better though? The mii's are so simplistic yet so life like and not to mention cute =], but what we are seeing sony do is take the same idea, give it better graphics and chat capabilities. I think if Nintendo gave us a channel where you can plug a keyboard to the wii (via USB) and chat to other wii lovers then Nintendo would still be on top.

I AM SO ANGRY at sony for ripping us all off. True the PS3 graphics are awsome. But has anyone considerd gameplay? This is a big fault in sony because they always seem to bring out terrible games with a modern names and good graphics (this happend too much on the ps2) and still make a profitable amount out of the gaming industry.
And even then! ALL of sony's Games are made by other companys (3rd party games if i'm correct) So sony are just the ones putting interest into the production of games and not producing original games themselves, yet they get all the credit from rockstar, for games like GTA! FUUUUUUCK! This is why i love nintendo because they create games like Metriod and Zelda, because they are original, made by nintendo! not ubisoft!, not rockstar!, not blizzard! etc.

Hmmmm this seems like to much for a reply i'm going to start a thread with more on this subject!

Flush your PS3 down the toilet!
It does seem pretty cool. It almost seems like your getting a free "The Sims" game. I sure hope the Wii has something like this.
No, you shouldn't buy a ps3 just for Home. But it's a nice free feature.

You should buy it if you like games, showing off photos and video on a large screen, like HD content, like online gaming, like current technology, and so forth.

I don't know about you, but I like to show photos when guests are over, and having them in the living room on an HD TV is better than 12 people hunched over a computer screen. And no, I don't have Windows Media Center since I'm a mac guy.

PS3 is a multimedia center with gaming. You could use the argument that a PC is better for that, but last I checked a decent PC is about the same price of a PS3. Add on Windows Media Center or the Apple TV box, and you're easily over the price of PS3. Then if you want console gaming, you'll have to buy one in addition.

If you can afford it and like the exclusives for it, go for it. If you like the exclusives for 360, go for that since it does most the things PS3 does. If you just care about gaming and graphics aren't your thing, then the Wii is the best bet.

One thing I do have to say is the Wii is much more user friendly for those who aren't technically savvy. They know exactly who their core audience is. On the other hand, MS and Sony know exactly who their audience is too.
I wouldn't buy it for Home, but I probably will for the games that are comming. I think Assasins Creed will be one of those games that define the new generation of gamming. Yes I know it will be on the 360 but I have my reasons for not buying one of those. Then there is Star Wars the Force Unleashed that looks amazing. So while Home is kind of cool, all it does is add to the deal, not make the deal.
No I wouldnt I hate the sims and they are to alike. I am planning on buying a ps3 when the price drops and some better games come out.
i always planned on getting one... it will be the last console i get this time around... home doesnt add much to me.. im just glad there trying to work on there already bad online play.. switching all of it into home would work alot better then the setup they have now...

how soon i get ones going to depend on what games they can manage to keep "with these low sales" and what the price drops down too... if the 60gb hits 450 i will buy one for sure.. untill then they need the games for me to waste my bucks on a so far somewhat unsupported system... the solution to this all is for sony to get the titles they have always had...

and convincind 3rd party developers to use your system when there are over 5 million witha wii and over 10million with a 360 and just above a million on your console isnt an easy sell.. they will make more money on the other consoles no questions about that... and i dont think sony gaming has the money to bribe them
I love my PS3, but I bought it for all of its HD (Games, Blu-ray) and customization (Swappable hard drive and Linux) capabilities. Home is definitely a great free feature, but I don't think it will be a huge console seller. On the other hand, the games that are scheduled to release on the PS3, well, some of those can be real console sellers.
The whole feature of customising your own home, it just sounds stupid. Don't tell me you're just going to sit in your little virtual home and waste away the hours. Chatting with other people seems ok, but what's the point when you have things like MSN? Downloading movie content sounds good though as well as being able to launch into games with the people you are talking to.

However, I still don't think it's enough, I'll buy a PS3, but Home will barely be a factor of my buying of it.
I'm getting a ps3 sometime in 2008 or 2009 for you know things

I can't miss out on the next Ratchet and Clank, Klonoa, Shadow of Colossus, Zone of the Enders, or Metal Gear Solid game.

I'm hoping my favorite franchises go to the 360(which I hardly ever use BTW)since I already have that, but I don't know if I'll be so lucky.

But as it stands the 360 is coming out with too much of the same games and the Ps3 just might be the thing for me.
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