Are you going to buy a ps3 because of home?

Simply put I would not buy ps3 just for home. Mind you that home does look very impressive still I would wait until some good games come out..and until the price goes down..Hopefully sometime soon...I hope.
In regards to the price if by sometime soon you mean 2 years or so then you're all "set". The bottom line is that they're losing money on every machine they sell and its not going to make them LOWER the price anytime in the next few months. Add to the fact that their games cost 5$9.99 (a disturbing fact I just noticed a few weeks ago) I honestly don't see why anyone would drop that much money for Sony. I've said it once and I'll say it again the only reason I'd consider getting it is for FF13 but the chances are getting stronger and stronger that that even won't be a PS3 exclusive. But I will admit that a LOT would have to happen for that to happen. Either way Sony is in a pile of sh*t.
Well, no. I buy consoles for games, nothing else. While it is interesting I doubt I'd use it enough to even consider it as a reason to buy a PS3.
it has tha home fet.high,and sweet gms (fall of man)(motor storm)and if they mk god of war2 4 ps3 that **** would rock
As I have said in other threads the PS3 is a loss leader to getting blue ray into people’s homes. There is so much money on the line for:

1) Licensing fees for the system that will be in everyone’s homes for the next 15 years.
2) The ability to preemptively enforce DRM to prevent pirating.
3) The ability to force one license per-machine as the de facto law of the land.

Sony is a content provider and a hardware provider. It’s worth the loss of cash on the hardware side of the house, to boost profits long term from the research and content provider sides of the house.
i cant believe poeple are getting a ps3 just for home.....its crazy

you are paying £425 for a virtual life

gah, the logic of some people makes me chuckle
I honestly have nothing good to say about PS1,2, or 3! I hate em' all...:yesnod:
I really don't think people are buying the ps3 for Home... Unless they're really sad. I'll be buying it for some games, and I wanna test out the HD tv with it.
Yellow_Wii said:
i cant believe poeple are getting a ps3 just for home.....its crazy

you are paying £425 for a virtual life

gah, the logic of some people makes me chuckle
ok i dont think u no wut ps3s home assit of its about meeting other gamers so if laugh at that then u should laugh at urself 4 bein on this forum
MysticGohan said:
Well Answer the question in the title... i am not... dont think its worth the $700 for the ps3

I did buy a PS3 (actually before my Wii), and no I didn't buy it for home. I bought it because PS1 and PS2 were amazing consoles, and the PS3 had the specs of an amazing console as well. The upcoming games look awesome (i.e. GTA, Tekken, MTGS), and current games like motorstorm, college hoops 2k7, and def jam Icon are very fun for the moment. But the biggest thing is..I love the built-in blu ray player..cheapest one on the market, and runs as good as the rest (minus the upconversion which is a marketing gimmick anyway). BTW my PS3 cost $700 because I bought it from a scalper, but it's not $700..I enjoy my wii as well, they are different consoles w/different types of gaming and target audiences. Try not to bash consoles.
lordmat0 said:
No I have MSN and no/hardly any girls are getting a PS3

Im sorry, but the PS3 and sony are NOW crap(PS2 nearly had my vote last time around. Can't belive thought crossed my mind..)

-Did you just say yourgetting a game console to try and get girls? (even though the wii did that the best.)

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