*Anyone else getting BW:II?*

Has anyone beat the first game? I am at the solar empire mission where I have to capture 3 bases... I think it's the last mission on the coral islands.
It sounds like this game may not be as good as once thought, Nintendo Power only gave it a 7.5, whereas they gave GH3 a 9.0 and Fire Emblem wii a 9.5. So, I still plan on a purchase because 7.5 isn't dreadful, but i was expecting about an 8.5 from Nintendo power atleast.
nic7 said:
It sounds like this game may not be as good as once thought, Nintendo Power only gave it a 7.5, whereas they gave GH3 a 9.0 and Fire Emblem wii a 9.5. So, I still plan on a purchase because 7.5 isn't dreadful, but i was expecting about an 8.5 from Nintendo power atleast.

i doubt that the nintendo power's rating of bw2 will affect everyone's decision on getting the game or not. i know i'm getting it, that's for sure.

but hey nic7, what did nintendo power say about bw2? what's so "7.5" about it? hehe :wtf:
JT. said:
^its got local multiplayer, as well as online, so it's better than great!^

Of course everybody is getting it! At least a lot of people. I'm waiting for it more than I'm waiting for Mario Galaxy. I can't say no to a good strategy game!

So, I went to gamestop the other day and looked at bw2 box. It says 1 player only on the back. So whats the deal?
Oh yeah Bwii to me has been more anticipated then Mario Galaxy. I love bwii. i plan on getting it the first day !! Oh nic about the NP reviews don't listen sometimes they review well but they are notoriously known for being extremely bias yes i am a subscriber because they have early hands on than other sites other don't listen. They prolly had an
FPS that grades those review a stategy games. Yes, this wouldn't surprise me at all.
So just tossin that out there for those that care. Oh yeah and they gave a game an 8.5 whereas all the other gaming sites together avg a 5.5 see what i am getting at. maybe Bwii is more like a 10.5 :). Wait for IGN and Gamespot.
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6ix said:
This looked good at first, then looked awesome with the new combat vids I saw, but it's not local multiplayer which I need so I'm saving the money for Ghost Squad maybe.

Are you absolutely certain that it isn't local multiplayer? I won't be buying it if it isn't...
kenn said:
Are you absolutely certain that it isn't local multiplayer? I won't be buying it if it isn't...

confirmed for online play. seems that theres only single player offline.
You can play co-op on one console but that's all I know.

And I don't know anything about what Nintendo said about BWii, I just know the score.

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