GOOD NEWS!!!! Check this link out!


X, I'll own u N ELEBITS!
Nov 11, 2006
Wii Online Code

Just found that link on It's got some good info on 13 new games coming out next year. It confirms ONLINE capability for Battalion Wars, Mario Strikers Charged, and Pokemon but I found it strange that it said Mario Strikers would be the first to use the online capabilities because I thought Pokemon was going to be the first. Anybody got any info on that? And I looked for release dates for those games but they all just said US 2007 but no date.
Sadly it's going to be the same exact carbon copy to those of the Ps2 and Xbox, no extra features but a bigger ticket to pay for getting it.
Gay that its probably only going to let you game with people that you exchanged friend codes with.
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Same for me. Battalion Wars on the GC was pretty good but really frustrating at times for me, and I wasn't going to get the game but now that I see that it's going to be online, I HAVE to buy it. That is going to be awesome.
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Does anybody have any idea when Battalion Wars or Mario Strikers are coming out?

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