Uh-Oh Shortage?


Aug 6, 2006
Hey, yah we're all saving up for the games we want and the system. But has anyone put thought into after we get the Wii? Supporting games after the system comes out. Games like Battalion Wars 2 and SSBB are must haves next year and I don't know how I will get the money. I only have a job for the fall and well, im not rich, more like low-commoner so i have money for the games i want, but i totaly forgot about SSBB and BWii! And any other great games. Suggestions? Anyone else having problem?
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Err, not sure what that is, yah ive heard of lay-away but not sure how it works.
I just relized to solve part of the problem, my sister is buying me a game for x-mas + bday (bday is 11/21) so i figure since 2 games (1 being zelda and the other multiplayer!) i should be more than good till christmas, or perhaps tell my sister to just give me the money or just hold it off until BWii or SSBB comes out>?
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pizzaluvr said:
save up the money, work for your parents, do you get an allowance?? they have to have something you can do

no i dont get allowance, oh yah! i just rememered i have report card money but im really ****ing it up with my witch of a teacher who i just back talk all 2 periods i have her..
hmmm, sell stuff on e-bay, trade in games to gamestop, recycle cans :p (unless you live in japan) ... umm lay away is an item you put asside and the store holds it and you make payments on it little by little until you pay it off fully and then they let you have the item... good for people who have a hard time saving (like myself lol)
Suck up 2 ur teachers.. just dont answer back n ask ur mum for pocket money... continue you job.. save up change and dont buy lollies... (IT WORKS.. i got $100 in coins).. and yeah thas bout all u can do
Well I dont have this problem at all. I worked at Burger King for like 5 months and saved up $1500.... and I quit like 7 months ago and I still have managed to still have $1246. Woot!
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I'm 13. My grades are around average since I'm mostly in advanced classes. But I don't know. >.< I forgot Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles too!
Im only getting two games launch day and unfortunately these will have to last me a while. Im saving pocketmoney (your 'allowance' i think) etc but am hoping to get most games second hand 6 mths after launch. Probably still £20-25 second hand but better than £35-40.
chessaholic said:
Im only getting two games launch day and unfortunately these will have to last me a while. Im saving pocketmoney (your 'allowance' i think) etc but am hoping to get most games second hand 6 mths after launch. Probably still £20-25 second hand but better than £35-40.

Play.com chessaholic they are really really good for games! 32 for brandnew games dont ask me how they are doing it!

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