*Anyone else getting BW:II?*

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Cpt. Jack said:
Cant wait for this game should be good hopefully although very unlikely they release a headset for it
I'm just hoping they at least put USB keyboard support (for text messages) if not for vs against strangers then at least people in your friends list. =/
JT. said:
^its got local multiplayer, as well as online, so it's better than great!^

Of course everybody is getting it! At least a lot of people. I'm waiting for it more than I'm waiting for Mario Galaxy. I can't say no to a good strategy game!

Holy crap this has split screen? I thought the only multiplayer was Local Wifi and online. You just made my day man I'm really considering buying this now.
I just got paid, making the amount of money I have (cash) $151.35, 3 CENTS more than I've needed! I'm getting Guitar Hero III and completely paying off BWii next Sunday, then I'm going to go pick it up two days later when it comes out :)
Can not wait for this game...
I am adding everyone in this thread to my Wii so check your PMs for a message from me :)

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i have seen youtube previews and it looks the biz.

Do not know if it will be released in Europe though :crazy:
definate buy! i just picked up my wii last week and need to get my usb wifi connection figured out...anyone have any good links to help me out...hopefully see you online!
smartypants said:
i have seen youtube previews and it looks the biz.

Do not know if it will be released in Europe though :crazy:

It's developed in the UK, so if it didn't come out in Europe, it'd be sort of weird, and definitely annoying! I swear, if it doesn't make it to Europe, somebody's face is gonna be on wiihaveabproblem.com with a wiimote sticking out of their eye socket!
bmurray91 said:
Oct. 29 in the US

I hope you don't plan on picking it up on the 29th because that's just it's ship date... Don't expect to get it untill the 30th unless you live next door to the warehouse.
I may look at renting the game before deciding to purchase it.
This game has been on my wanted list for quite some time.
I will be buying this.

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