Any biracial people here?


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2007
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Just incase, y'all, here's a definition.
biracial adj. Of, for, or consisting of members of two races. Having parents of two different races

I'm really interested in biracial issues. I'm intrigued by race in general.
So is anyone here besides me biracial? Where are your parents from?
...and I'm not exactly refering to "well, my mom's ancestors from 50 billion years ago are Scottish, and my dad's are Irish", just incase the definition didn't make that clear.

Major questions I have...
- Do you identify more with one race than the other?
- Do you feel you're lacking a real ethnic identity?
- Do/did your parents' families have issues with the interracial relationship?
- Do you appear "ethnically ambiguous", and/or do people often ask your background?
- If you resembling one race more than the other, do you resent/appreciate/feel indifferent about it?
- Do you ever wish to deattach from one race?

And for those of you who this topic doesn't pertain to, add anything you want if you feel inclined.
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My mother was half Italian, Half Irish. No more no less. My grampa comes straight out of Sicily and my gramma, Ireland.

As for me even though I am 70% Irish, 20% Italian, 10% other ethnic backgrounds, I feel more Italian.

Btw, the reason my Irish outweighs everything else is because my father was many things (hence the 10%) AND Irish so the Italian is outweighed

For my grandpa on my dad's side, the family has been ethnically confused for generations. Many generations ago, a father changed our name from Rav________ to Rav___. He misplaced the document stating the change or something and in the sixties, my great uncle found it somewhere. My dad's side was under the impression they were Italian for generations. Turned out they weren't :lol:

EDIT-Apologizies if it went off track, Celeste. Typed in what I knew.
my mum is a protestant and my dad is catholic...and im catholic as well

not many people care about it because it is not so uncommon
Well, I have some African and Portuguese ancestry, although that's going back my great-grandparents, so I'm not sure if I really count as mixed race.
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
my mum is a protestant and my dad is catholic...and im catholic as well

not many people care about it because it is not so uncommon

My mum's Catholic and my dad's Protestant, hell, I think they're both atheists now, but I don't think that concerns race.

Biracial kiddiwinks, yeah!
Frogger said:
My mum's Catholic and my dad's Protestant, hell, I think they're both atheists now, but I don't think that concerns race.

Biracial kiddiwinks, yeah!

Only if you never call them kiddiwinks. ;)

Am I allowed to post about my white family? Or my "50-100% Korean"

I'll add later
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My mom is Russian, born in St.Petersburg as a Russian Orthadox Christian. My dad was Syrian, born in Damascus, and Muslim.
My Muslim family to this day don't really respect my mom, even though she's awesome and way more successful than any of them put together (she's a lawyer/professor). They don't bother with my sisters and I either.
My Muslim grandmother hated my mom with a passion because she wasn't Muslim, but didn't fault my dad for being with her, she assumed my mom corrupted him into it or something. My dad actually had an arranged marriage in the late 60s and had twin boys, but the woman took off to be with her lover so I have two half brothers out there I'll never meet, hah.
So my non-immediate family situation was always pretty weird. My mom's parents were at first racist but they got over it and grew to love my dad...that was nice.
My sisters and I were taught Russian and Arabic before English. I have no idea why. But being fluent in 3 languages FTW. Also, we still celebrate all of the Islamic holidays. Yes, my Russian mother puts on hijab and we go to Mosque, just...because.
Anyway I could go on and on forever because I find this stuff pretty interesting, but I'll answer my own questions now.

- Do you identify more with one race than the other?
** I definitely feel more Middle Eastern than Russian.

- Do you feel you're lacking a real ethnic identity?
** Yeah...not really "accepted" by either ethnicity.

- Do/did your parents' families have issues with the interracial relationship?
** Definitely, as stated above.

- Do you appear "ethnically ambiguous", and/or do people often ask your background?
** YES. Nobody can look at me and know my background. I get confused as Latina, Greek, Italian, sooo many things.
I go into Islamic stores and get really dirty looks even after I greet an employee in Arabic. The majority of Muslims I meet think I'm a confused devil child whore.

- If you resembling one race more than the other, do you resent/appreciate/feel indifferent about it?
** I feel like I don't resemble either race. My older sister does. She has distinct Russian facial features and darker skin. I've always wanted pale skin, so I resent not having it a tiny bit, but at the same time...I appreciate not getting sunburns :lol: I also appreciate that I have an exotic look.

- Do you ever wish to deattach from one race?
** Being called a terrorist isn't cool. So yeah, occasionally.
My mother is 75% English, 25% Italian and my dad is Canadian. My dad has been in England for so long now (like 70% of his life) that he has an English accent :p
Celeste said:
My mom is Russian, born in St.Petersburg as a Russian Orthadox Christian. My dad was Syrian, born in Damascus, and Muslim.
My Muslim family to this day don't really respect my mom, even though she's awesome and way more successful than any of them put together (she's a lawyer/professor). They don't bother with my sisters and I either.
My Muslim grandmother hated my mom with a passion because she wasn't Muslim, but didn't fault my dad for being with her, she assumed my mom corrupted him into it or something. My dad actually had an arranged marriage in the late 60s and had twin boys, but the woman took off to be with her lover so I have two half brothers out there I'll never meet, hah.
So my non-immediate family situation was always pretty weird. My mom's parents were at first racist but they got over it and grew to love my dad...that was nice.
My sisters and I were taught Russian and Arabic before English. I have no idea why. But being fluent in 3 languages FTW. Also, we still celebrate all of the Islamic holidays. Yes, my Russian mother puts on hijab and we go to Mosque, just...because.

That's so interesting Celeste!

I'd love to have some interesting backgrounds like that. I'm 100% Welsh as far as I know. I'm very interested in my family history and so far their all Welsh bakers and uber property owners. It's been hard to find out all the information.. 5 out of 7 of my grandfathers siblings went to America, although we're still in touch with the family out there, it's still a bit unclear and that.

My two younger brothers are half Welsh half Filipino, you might have seen them in the picture I posted in the Album. It's only those two and a half Italian nephew that are biracial in my family. =]
Happy said:
My mother is 75% English, 25% Italian and my dad is Canadian. My dad has been in England for so long now (like 70% of his life) that he has an English accent :p

No matter how much I adore the English accent, I don't think I want to pick it up.

Major questions I have...
- Do you identify more with one race than the other?
- Do you feel you're lacking a real ethnic identity?
- Do/did your parents' families have issues with the interracial relationship?
- Do you appear "ethnically ambiguous", and/or do people often ask your background?
- If you resembling one race more than the other, do you resent/appreciate/feel indifferent about it?
- Do you ever wish to deattach from one race?

I'm Korean in a white family, to give background...

-I regard myself as white, I am only Asian when it's myg enes, or I'm filling out a standardized test.
-Sometimes, yes. I like my whitey culture, but sometimes I wish I had a few more things from Korea. Bilingual would be so much fun.
-Well I'm IN a interracial relationship...and I think *my* parents always assumed I'd marry white. Her mother...My Americanness will take precedence over my ethnicity, I think.
-I like where I am right here. (y)
Then even better is a Yank and Red!
Edit: Oh, and Protestant/Catholic too!

There's no such ethnicity as Canadian. Just like there's no such thing as "American" unless speaking of the natives, of course.

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