Animal Crossing: city folk Friend Codes

I just purchased My Wii yesterday and would love some friends on here!!!
Town: Kamden
Friend Code 2536-6786-4810

email me and inform me of the add so I can add you
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Hiya, i'm new to the site and love playing Animal crossing =) be kewl if you add me =)
My friend code: 0689-5671-2767
Name: Kimmy
Townname: Mewland
hi im online now

im a bit new on animal crossing and need some friends im online now an will be for about 2 days here is my info

fc 3395-5032-6664

caracter Maxler

town Hearts

plz tell me if you add me and i will add you
Animal crossing FC!

hEY, I NEES TO ADD MORE FRIENDS TO BE IN MY LIST! Here r my details: Town: Folk Town Name: Chris FC: 1806-3560-2423 pLZ REPLY TO ME AND QUICK!!!!!!! ^-^ :lovewii:
any 1 who still plays ac:cf

i only got 2 frendz but its more fun wit lots of frendz plz post 1033-1204[1402]-1583 town:gold town name brandon
:frown5:Thats why I stop playing because not alot people play anymore
It would be rare for you to get a battle with PBR its old plus it came out nov.07

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